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본 연구의 대상이 되는 출토복식은 16세기 복식으로 출토유물의 수량은 적으나 그 시대의 중요한 특징을 나타내는 철릭과 방령반비이다. 같은 묘에서 출토된 유물은 아니나 시대가 비슷한 16세기로 그 시대의 특징을 잘 나타낸다. 출토 당시 상태는 양호했으나, 출토 후 곧바로 수거 및 처리 작업에 들어가지 못해 상당한 부분 손상이 되어 있어 대부분의 옷을 수거하지 못한 아쉬움이 남는다. 출토 철릭의 특징은 다음과 같다. -이중깃이 아닌 둥그레깃이고, -거의 1:1 비율에 가까운 상의와 하상의 비율, -직선에 가까운 소매 형태, -0.1~0.2cm 정도의 고운 주름 간격, -대부분의 홈질과 깃, 옷의 가장자리에 곱게 된 상침바느질 등 조선시대 중기 양식을 나타낸다. 방령반비는 15세기 이전과 18세기 이후에 나타난 적이 없는 의복으로 특징은 다음과 같다. -이중깃과 섶을 연결하는 덧단, -앞이 길고 뒤가 짧은 형태의 앞뒤 길이 차이 등 이 시대의 양식을 또한 잘 나타낸다.

The excavated costume, that we are studying about, is from 16th century and excavated relic numbers are very rare, but it shows the important features that are Chul-rik and Bangyung-Banbee. This relic is not from the same tomb, but its also from around 16th century which shows the right time of the feature. Its condition was fine when it was excavated, we didn’t deal with it and collect it right away, so it was damaged a lot. excavated of Chul-rik’s features are listed as below. -it is not double collared, it was rounded. -its ratio was almost close to 1:1 of upper garment and lower garment. -sleeves were formed as close to straight lines. -pleat intervals were really neat as 0.1~0.2cm. -most of broad-stitchings, collars, and the costume’s decorative saddle stitching edges are showing the Chosun dynasty’s middle style. The features of Banryung-banbee which hasn’t showed up before 15th and after 18th century are listed as below. -square neckline was formed by doulbe collar, gusset was hung on top, and the sleeves were in half. -also the front side was longer than the back side. These are describing(showing) the style of the Chosun dynasty specifically.

The excavated costume, that we are studying about, is from 16th century and excavated relic numbers are very rare, but it shows the important features that are Chul-rik and Bangyung-Banbee. This relic is not from the same tomb, but its also from around 16th century which shows the right time of the feature. Its condition was fine when it was excavated, we didn’t deal with it and collect it right away, so it was damaged a lot. excavated of Chul-rik’s features are listed as below. -it is not double collared, it was rounded. -its ratio was almost close to 1:1 of upper garment and lower garment. -sleeves were formed as close to straight lines. -pleat intervals were really neat as 0.1~0.2cm. -most of broad-stitchings, collars, and the costume’s decorative saddle stitching edges are showing the Chosun dynasty’s middle style. The features of Banryung-banbee which hasn’t showed up before 15th and after 18th century are listed as below. -square neckline was formed by doulbe collar, gusset was hung on top, and the sleeves were in half. -also the front side was longer than the back side. These are describing(showing) the style of the Chosun dynasty specifically.