초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this paper, we analyze the loanword pronunciation of Korean learners of Japanese, shown in Japanese conversation speech of ACTFL-OPI format. Based on the results, I discuss the following: the level of difficulty in loanwords, correlation between loanword skillfulness and Japanese proficiency, individual differences in acquiring Japanese loanword pronunciation, and Korean phoneme system’s influence on loanword pronunciation learning. The results are as follows: First of all, the pronunciation error was the most frequent in shortening of long vowels, followed by vowels, consonants, devoicing of consonants in the word-initial position and palatalization of consonants; these 5 types of error takes up 82.5% of the entire errors. Secondly, analysis on Japanese proficiency (OPI level) and Korean learners’ loanword pronunciation status showed us that the Japanese proficiency itself didn’t necessarily correlate with the accuracy of pronunciation. The inaccurate pronouncing habit acquired in the early stage of Japanese learning is hard to be corrected, even when the Japanese proficiency itself gets advanced. Therefore, acquisition of accurate loanword pronunciation in the early stage of Japanese learning is important. Third, based on the analysis on pronunciation error frequency and inclination of errors for each learners, the individual differences in Japanese loanword proficiency and the procedures to acquire it are shown to be quite huge. Therefore, more integrated understanding is needed to grasp the individuals’ problems in Japanese loanword pronunciation, and we ought to make strategic approaches accordingly. Fourth, the reason that Korean learners make mistakes in pronouncing Japanese loanwords was found to be because that the different phoneme rules are applied when English—which takes 80% of Japanese loanwords—is used in Japanese or used in Korean. Further studies are needed on education of Japanese loanword pronunciation using expanded Japanese syllabary table.