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This study is a historical and critical reconsideration on evolution, activities and characteristics of Jadidism, which had been unfolded extensively from the late 19c to the early 20c in Central Asia under the rule of Tsar-Soviet Russia. Unlike traditional arboviery and biased underrrrrdings and evaluations on ov, Jadidism was a modern reform and national movement of Central Asian muslims, which schemed a modern reform the rulethe overall muslim society and further aimed at a liberation from the Russian colonial rule. The two essential elements of Jadidism were modernism and nationalism; the former was embodied in the modern reform movement in the areas of religion, e. cation and culture while the latter was represented in a series of social and political activities Jadidism had left a vivid historical mark on the Central Asian Islam and its muslim community. While its strengths can be found in propagation of modern knowledge, instillation of national identity, modernization of Islam, cultural renaissance and vitalization of national movements etc., Jadidism also exposed its weaknesses in that it was limited to just a urban elite centered intellectual movement, shackled by backwardness and suppression, and lacked human/material resources. Taking the most imminent task of the Central Asian countries, that is, a nation-state building through establishment of new identity, into account, however, Jadidism has great historical significance in that it was the first serious contemplation of the muslims on their identity in the Central Asian history, an earnest appearance of a modern self-consciousness, and an actual effort toward its realization.