초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In general, ‘Destroy The Four Olds’ and ‘Red Terror’ occupied the most important and symbolic place in terms of public remember and dimension of narrative representation about Cultural Revolution. However, when looking at the actual deployment process, it was hard to say that this movement was a representative and symbolic movement which ideologically and practically penetrated the entire Cultural Revolution. Ideological interpretation about Cultural Revolution emerged from the gap found between representation and reality. To review the practical context of ‘Destroy The Four Olds’ beyond the gap, this paper analyzes the leaflets which were created and distributed by Red Guards in Beijing who first proposed ‘Destroy The Four Olds’. The analysis was focused on what were the ‘olds’. The primary purpose of this paper is to identify the strategy and tactics, goals and targets, and methods in more details. Furthermore, another purpose is to derive a new research project related to study on initial Cultural Revolution by trying to assess the political and ideological essence of this movement at the beginner level.