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Modernism started to be acepted by Go, Han-yong and Kim, Eok,from 1924. in Korea. In 1930' and 1950'. Post-Modernism started prevailedfrom the midle of 1980' in South Korean literature. In NorthKorea, after190, post-modernism criticaly acepted by Bak, Jong-sik.Many criticsregarded modernism as worth deliberation and thought aboutaplying it oKorean Literature.From 1950, North and South Korean critics hows absolutely diferentatitueds to the modernism. Mun, Deok-so and Kim, Yong-jikin South,Kim Hae-gyun, Kim, Ha-myung, Park Joung-sik, Sin, Young-nam in Northtok the lead in developing and criticizing the theory.The understanding of modernism of both sides are totaly different, sothey show a lot of oposing viewpoint hrough the whole aspects. Specialy, their main oposing parts are the object of modernism,anti-realism, political view and revolution, new methods of literature ordestrution of literature, nationalism or internationalism, secand halfcapitalism.South critics put he object of modernism on revolution of literature,so they try to improve formal experiments. On the contrary, North criticsthink of modernism as the theory that was made to decrease masses'revolutionary ideas.Modernism is inevitably anti-realism, because it is fundamentalyanti-ideologic, acidental, individual. Therefore this anti-realism is usualypointed out and regarded as natural not only by North criticsbut also bySouth critics. By the way, al modernists in South and North Korea saysthat it is anti-realistic because it has the feature of anti-rationalism and anti-science.