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The characteristics of Korean conversion novels which involve the 'conversion of non-conversion' as the essential moment can be more obviously revealed in contrast to the Japanese conversion novels, especially the 'genuine' conversion novels which groped for the break of the Japanese situation of conversion. Han Seol-ya and Nakano Sigeharu who represent the Korean and the Japanese left writers show the contrasting method of novel despite the common topic of the problem of patriarchal system demonstrating the difference of the situations of conversion in the two regions. In the scrutiny of the problem of the tenno system which determine not only the modern Japanese politics but also the fundamental character of the total Japanese modern era, Nakano Sigeharu re-approaches the root of the problem by dealing with closely the stories of his father and family and the neighbors of whom he met newly through homecoming. In contrast to this, though Han Seol-ya mobilized the homecoming as an important motive of his conversion novel like Nakano Sigeharu, he does not treat the problem of the patriarchal system elaborately. The characteristic of han Seol-ya's conversion novels in the Korean situation of conversion does not appear as the digging into the patriarchal system but as the consistent maintenance of the socialistic class consciousness.