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A study on Recent Rape Crimes and Their Countermeasures The number of rape crime occurrences declined slightly in recent years, but it has increased again starting from 2002. The primary time slot of occurrence was between 8 o'clock at night and 4 o'clock in the following morning, and the overwhelming number of occurrences appeared in large cities, such as Seoul and Gyeonggi areas. On the other hand, when looking into the motive of the crime of offenders, unforeseen cases are accounted for the most number and the next in line are the cases caused by greed. Thus, it can be learned that rapes are combined with other crime patterns. When looking into rapists by ages, people in 20's~30's committed the most number of the crime. In order to control the rape crimes, firstly, appropriate measures for crime conditions are necessary. Since there are many cases of the rape crimes occurring on impulse, the control effects can be revealed when intercepting the structure of opportunities occurring accidentally. Secondly, active protection and preventive education for female victims are necessary. Thirdly, inappropriate social awareness concerning rape should be switched over. Lastly, social environment that instigates rape, such as pleasure-seeking culture and internet obscenity, should be changed.

A study on Recent Rape Crimes and Their Countermeasures The number of rape crime occurrences declined slightly in recent years, but it has increased again starting from 2002. The primary time slot of occurrence was between 8 o'clock at night and 4 o'clock in the following morning, and the overwhelming number of occurrences appeared in large cities, such as Seoul and Gyeonggi areas. On the other hand, when looking into the motive of the crime of offenders, unforeseen cases are accounted for the most number and the next in line are the cases caused by greed. Thus, it can be learned that rapes are combined with other crime patterns. When looking into rapists by ages, people in 20's~30's committed the most number of the crime. In order to control the rape crimes, firstly, appropriate measures for crime conditions are necessary. Since there are many cases of the rape crimes occurring on impulse, the control effects can be revealed when intercepting the structure of opportunities occurring accidentally. Secondly, active protection and preventive education for female victims are necessary. Thirdly, inappropriate social awareness concerning rape should be switched over. Lastly, social environment that instigates rape, such as pleasure-seeking culture and internet obscenity, should be changed.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Rape, Rape Crimes, Rape Causes, Female Victims, Sexual Violence