초록 열기/닫기 버튼

A Study on the Validity Corporal Punishment for Students in Criminal Law It is the case that discussion about corporal punishment on the school scene is different between teachers, student, parents and educational authorities from what viewpoint and aspect to see it, and discussion about its permission is diversely developed. The old duration period corporal punishment is cut and it raised its head with the social problem. The corporal punishment was continuously continued in school and it caused many problems. To some students the corporal punishment has positive effects. To others it has the opposite effects. However, in the korean law no statutory regulation concerning corporal punishment exist. So corporal punishment is neither allowed nor prohibited by law. Thus, a new regulation on educational effect and justification of corporal punishment is required which is based on both educational and regal aspects.

A Study on the Validity Corporal Punishment for Students in Criminal Law It is the case that discussion about corporal punishment on the school scene is different between teachers, student, parents and educational authorities from what viewpoint and aspect to see it, and discussion about its permission is diversely developed. The old duration period corporal punishment is cut and it raised its head with the social problem. The corporal punishment was continuously continued in school and it caused many problems. To some students the corporal punishment has positive effects. To others it has the opposite effects. However, in the korean law no statutory regulation concerning corporal punishment exist. So corporal punishment is neither allowed nor prohibited by law. Thus, a new regulation on educational effect and justification of corporal punishment is required which is based on both educational and regal aspects.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

corporal punishment, social problem, korean law, educational effect, justification