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과거 우리 사회는 부모에 대한 공경과 효행을 가장 큰 미덕으로 여겼기 때문에 부모부양은 당연히 자녀의 몫으로 여겨졌다. 민법 제정시에도 장남에게 상속가급분을 인정하여 부모부양 책임을 부여하였으나, 1990년 민법 개정에 의해 채택된 균분상속의 원칙은 부모부양 책임의 약화를 가져왔다. 1990년 개정 당시 부모부양의 약화를 예상하여 기여분제도를 신설함으로써 보완하고자 하였으나, 기여분제도의 내재적 문제점 즉 피상속인의 사후에 행해지는 조치라는 점과 공동상속인간의 협의에 의한 기여분의 인정, 공동상속인이 기여분에 대한 협의가 이루어지지 않을 경우 법원의 심판을 기다리기까지 상당한 시간과 비용이 소요된다는 점 등 때문에 실질적으로 적극적으로 활용되지 못하였다. 따라서 부모부양을 유도하는데 있어서 효과를 발휘하지 못하였다.고령인구의 부양문제는 현대 복지사회의 이념에 비추어 볼 때 국가의 적극적 노력이 필요하겠지만, 재정적 부담과 유럽 등 복지국가에서의 공적 부조의 확대에 따른 부작용 및 부양과 상속의 연계를 통한 부양유도의 세계적 추세에 비추어 볼 때 상속법을 통한 부모부양유도를 적극적으로 검토할 필요가 있다.즉 부양기여분제도의 활용을 위하여 우선 법원은 부모부양의무를 이행한 자에 대한 부양기여분을 적극적으로 인정할 필요가 있고, 또 부양기여분제도의 존재 및 그 의의에 대한 국민적 홍보 역시 필요하다. 또한 입법적으로 부양의무를 이행한 자에 대해서는 재산상속상 유리한 지위를 인정하고, 반대로 부양의무를 회피한 자에 대해서는 재산상속상의 불이익을 가하는 방안도 고려해 볼 가치가 있다.

The Law of Inheritance's Approach to the Parent's Support From old times, our society has considered reverence of one’s parents as a matter of course and filial piety is believed as the great virtue. Consequently the support of parents ought th take charge of one’ sons and daughters. But recently in our society as principle of inheritance by Equal Distribution has been selected according to year 1990’s amendment to the Civil Code, all the support has changed into a joint responsibility of every sons and daughters, weakening the awareness of supporting one’s old parents on contrary. Predicting such issues at that time, the Contributory Portion of Support was established to settle the problem of support of old parents through the Contributory Portion of Support but only dispute between successors arose because of the indeterminacy of the Contributory Portion System. Legal problems related to the support of old parents is mass producing serious troubles of old aged along with one of present day highlights on the issue of aging. Therefore we have to positively private support to fix such problem. I will be able to propose some plans for parent’s support reinforcement. First, We make the best use of the Contributory Portion System. For the purpose of it, a court of justice be able to admit Contributory Portion of Support to be positive. Secondly, when one has been idle in supporting one’s old parents, we should legislate the regulation of giving a disadvantage in succeeding the property. In foreign counties, done who has been lazy in supporting one’s parents is deprived from succeeding the property or receives a drawback. It is required for us to introduce such regulation.

The Law of Inheritance's Approach to the Parent's Support From old times, our society has considered reverence of one’s parents as a matter of course and filial piety is believed as the great virtue. Consequently the support of parents ought th take charge of one’ sons and daughters. But recently in our society as principle of inheritance by Equal Distribution has been selected according to year 1990’s amendment to the Civil Code, all the support has changed into a joint responsibility of every sons and daughters, weakening the awareness of supporting one’s old parents on contrary. Predicting such issues at that time, the Contributory Portion of Support was established to settle the problem of support of old parents through the Contributory Portion of Support but only dispute between successors arose because of the indeterminacy of the Contributory Portion System. Legal problems related to the support of old parents is mass producing serious troubles of old aged along with one of present day highlights on the issue of aging. Therefore we have to positively private support to fix such problem. I will be able to propose some plans for parent’s support reinforcement. First, We make the best use of the Contributory Portion System. For the purpose of it, a court of justice be able to admit Contributory Portion of Support to be positive. Secondly, when one has been idle in supporting one’s old parents, we should legislate the regulation of giving a disadvantage in succeeding the property. In foreign counties, done who has been lazy in supporting one’s parents is deprived from succeeding the property or receives a drawback. It is required for us to introduce such regulation.