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자위권의 해석적용에 있어서 망각해서는 안 될 것이 그 자체의 법제도적 취지이다. UN헌장에서 인정하고 있는 자위의 권리는 국제사회가 무력사용금지의 원칙을 선언하면서 그 금지의 예외로서 인정한 피침략국의 권리이다. 본 논문에서는 헌장 제51조에 규정된 집단적 자위권의 의미와 채택과정에서 집단안전보장체제와의 관계에서 어떻게 위치 지워져 있는가에 대해 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 자위권의 기능 및 행사요건을 중심으로 집단적 자위권 개념의 형성과정을 살펴보았다. 구체적으로는 UN 헌장의 집단적 자위권 개념형성에 선구적 역할을 한 국제문서로서 로카르노 조약과 부전조약 및 1945년 5월 12일 개최된 5대국 및 미국과 영국간의 비공식회의 내용에 대해 살펴보았다. 이러한 과정을 거쳐 헌장의 집단적 자위권은 UN 집단안전보장체제를 보완함과 동시에 전쟁을 유발 혹은 확대시킬 위험성, 나아가 집단안전보장체제를 와해시킬 가능성이 상존하는 개념으로 정립되었다. 그 의미에서 집단적 자위권은 질서와 무질서의 사이에서 탄생한 것이라 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 개별국가의 무력사용의 폭이 최대한 제한되어야 한다는 의미에서 집단적 자위권이 UN 헌장 규정의 엄격한 적용에 의해 해석적용되어야 함을 강조하였다. 왜냐하면 집단적 자위권의 개념이 확대 적용된다면 그 남용으로 인해 국제평화는 심각하게 위협받을 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 무력분쟁의 위험성이 상존하고 있는 오늘날과 같은 불확실한 시대에는 국제평화와 안전을 보장하기 위한 국가들간의 협조가 절실히 요구된다고 할 것이다.

Reflections on the Context Adopted the Collective Self-Defence Right under the Charter of the United Nations The right of self-defence, shall not underestimate the purpose of its Legal Frame work. The right to self-defence is embedded in the system of collective security: according to Article 51 of the Charter, its exercise shall not hampers Security Council action, and self-defence must end once the Council has taken the measure necessary to maintain international peace and security. Collective security, on the other hand, expresses a belief in possibility of peaceful international order and the capability of instructions to bring this order about. However, the relationship between self-defence and collective security found little attention. Moreover, there two significant international instructions such as The Locarno Pact and Treaty for Renunciation of the War. Also the study carefully reviewed a informal consultative meeting between US and Britain during May 12th 1945. This development culminated in the foundation of the United Nations after the Second World War. The maintenance of peace then was the predominant concern, and thus the UN Charter defines the purpose of the system of collective security in a much broader way than the Covenant of the League-the security council is no longer intended to provide support to the victim of aggression, but to take measure 'to maintain international peace and security'. Finally, in so far as these findings reflect a subordination of the states to international peace in a broader sense, they suggest a revision of the foundations of the international legal order. Peace is protected for the sake of humankind, and if it prevails over state security, it would seem more coherent to regard humankind, be it as individuals or as peoples, as the basic unit of international law.

Reflections on the Context Adopted the Collective Self-Defence Right under the Charter of the United Nations The right of self-defence, shall not underestimate the purpose of its Legal Frame work. The right to self-defence is embedded in the system of collective security: according to Article 51 of the Charter, its exercise shall not hampers Security Council action, and self-defence must end once the Council has taken the measure necessary to maintain international peace and security. Collective security, on the other hand, expresses a belief in possibility of peaceful international order and the capability of instructions to bring this order about. However, the relationship between self-defence and collective security found little attention. Moreover, there two significant international instructions such as The Locarno Pact and Treaty for Renunciation of the War. Also the study carefully reviewed a informal consultative meeting between US and Britain during May 12th 1945. This development culminated in the foundation of the United Nations after the Second World War. The maintenance of peace then was the predominant concern, and thus the UN Charter defines the purpose of the system of collective security in a much broader way than the Covenant of the League-the security council is no longer intended to provide support to the victim of aggression, but to take measure 'to maintain international peace and security'. Finally, in so far as these findings reflect a subordination of the states to international peace in a broader sense, they suggest a revision of the foundations of the international legal order. Peace is protected for the sake of humankind, and if it prevails over state security, it would seem more coherent to regard humankind, be it as individuals or as peoples, as the basic unit of international law.