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본 논문에서는 한국 가족제도의 역사 및 문제점에 대하여 파악하고, 특히 일제 식민통치의 잔재로 수많은 사람들에게 폐해와 고통을 주면서도 전통이라는 명목아래 지금껏 유지되어 왔던 호주제도의 문제점과 폐지의 당위성에 대하여 다시 한번 언급하였다. 또한 2005년 3월 2일 국회 본회의에서 민법 개정안이 가결되어, 이제 호주제도는 2년여의 유예기간을 거쳐 2008년 1월 1일부터 역사 속으로 영원히 사라지게 되었으므로, 이로 인하여 발생할 수 있는 새로운 민법개정안과 새로운 신분등록제도(안)에 대한 분석과 검토를 통하여 우리 정서에 맞는 방안을 제시하여 보았다.攀* 法學博士建陽大學校 敎養學部 兼任敎授.攀攀그리고 무엇보다 새롭게 등장하는 가족의 형태에 대한 분석을 통하여 이에 대한 법률의 필요성에 대한 지적을 하였다.끝으로 민법개정안이 통과되고 호주제도 폐지를 눈앞에 둔 시점에서 한국의 가족제도의 변화와 전망을 통하여 급격히 변화하는 시대를 준비하고자 시도하였다.

A Legal Study on the Prospect and Change of the Family System following the Abolishment of the Householder System. Our current Householder System has been maintained as a vestige of the previous Japanese colonial rule. However it infringes the basic principle of the constitution, fosters the sexual discrimination, and forces bitter pain and inhuman practices to the great number of the Koreans. As we cannot reverse the powerful downstream of a great river, the main council of the National Assembly passed as of March 2, 2005 a revised civil law concerning the Householder System. As its result the System will disappear in the history after two year's delay, that is, from January 1, 2008. Yet there still remain various serious problems and conflicts that the System's abolishment and its newly forming family system cause. In fact, the System has been abolished. Therefore, this paper will try to propose a more rational ground for the opposing party against the System's abolishment. Furthermore this paper will suggest a more persuasive alternative for the people through a legal study on the change and prospect of the family system following the System's abolishment.

A Legal Study on the Prospect and Change of the Family System following the Abolishment of the Householder System. Our current Householder System has been maintained as a vestige of the previous Japanese colonial rule. However it infringes the basic principle of the constitution, fosters the sexual discrimination, and forces bitter pain and inhuman practices to the great number of the Koreans. As we cannot reverse the powerful downstream of a great river, the main council of the National Assembly passed as of March 2, 2005 a revised civil law concerning the Householder System. As its result the System will disappear in the history after two year's delay, that is, from January 1, 2008. Yet there still remain various serious problems and conflicts that the System's abolishment and its newly forming family system cause. In fact, the System has been abolished. Therefore, this paper will try to propose a more rational ground for the opposing party against the System's abolishment. Furthermore this paper will suggest a more persuasive alternative for the people through a legal study on the change and prospect of the family system following the System's abolishment.