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구 소련의 Sputnik 1호 발사 이후 인류의 삶은 새로운 세계로 확장되었다. 우주활동을 통해 인간의 삶의 질은 향상되었고 발전되었으나 한편으로는 군사적 영역에서도 더욱 다양하게 활용됨으로써 인류에게 새로운 위협요인이 되고 있다.세계 각국은 우주의 군사화를 통해 우주자산을 선점하고 자국의 국익을 확대하고자 노력하고 있다. 이러한 상황속에서 우주의 평화적 이용과 전 인류의 이익을 위해 우주에서의 군사행동 및 전쟁방지에 관한 국제법적 기준을 검토한다.

A Study on the Law of War and Space Law This article suggests that for purposes of analysis under the law of war, space combat will be sui generis-fundamentally different from combat in terrestrial airspace. I examine the intersection of two subsets of public international law as they bear on space warfare: the law of war and the law of outer space. This article consider international law applicable to space warfare and examines the five multilateral space treaties comprising the corpus juris spatialis, and highlights key passages of relevance to space warfare. We applies the legal regime governing international armed conflicts to space warfare.

A Study on the Law of War and Space Law This article suggests that for purposes of analysis under the law of war, space combat will be sui generis-fundamentally different from combat in terrestrial airspace. I examine the intersection of two subsets of public international law as they bear on space warfare: the law of war and the law of outer space. This article consider international law applicable to space warfare and examines the five multilateral space treaties comprising the corpus juris spatialis, and highlights key passages of relevance to space warfare. We applies the legal regime governing international armed conflicts to space warfare.