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우리나라는 어느 민족에 비하여 뒤지지 않는 오랜 법제의 역사를 가지고 있다. 그러나 일제 강점기 이후 오랫동안 외국의 법제를 계수하여 시행하여 왔기 때문에 그동안 우리나라 고유의 법제도를 연구하는 일에 무관심하였다. 특히 대학의 법학교육에서 서양법제사법사상사 등은 교과목에 설강되어 있는 반면, 동양법제사나 법사상사(특히 한국법제사)에 대해서는 전공자를 제외하고는 상당히 소외되어 연구가 등한시되었다. 이에 따라 이 논문에서는 우리나라 상고시대(단군조선한씨조선위만조선한사군)로부터 부족국가시대(부여초기고구려옥저동예)와 삼한시대(마한진한변한)까지의 고대법제(백제신라 제외), 특히 문헌상으로 기록되어 있는 8조법금을 비롯한 고대법제에 국한하여 그 성립과 발전을 역사적으로 재조명을 시도한 것이다. 또한 민형사의 구별이 없었던 고대법제가 보이고 있는 법사상(RevengeTalio도둔읍(소도) 등)에 대한 특징을 살펴봄으로써 현대법학을 이해하는데 도움을 주고자 하였다.

A Study on the Legal Thought of Korean Ancient Era Korea has great history of legislation for a long period. However, Korea were seized by Japan very long time with their legislation custom, then Koreans were lukewarm about own system. There were several classes such as the History of Western Law school of the colleges, but History of Korean Law classes were rally neglected except the major program students. Therefore, this report will try to discuss about the establishment and development of the Ancient Criminal Law by the Ancient Laws. But there were a few documentations and information to study of Korean own Ancient Legislation such as 8 Fundamental Laws and the laws of Goguryo and Shilla, so there was not enough to proceed the study at all. This paper consisted by following chapters. 1. Introduction 2. Ancient Chosun(Korea) Era 3. Tribal States Era 4. Criminal Legislation((Laws) and Legal Thought 5. Conclusion

A Study on the Legal Thought of Korean Ancient Era Korea has great history of legislation for a long period. However, Korea were seized by Japan very long time with their legislation custom, then Koreans were lukewarm about own system. There were several classes such as the History of Western Law school of the colleges, but History of Korean Law classes were rally neglected except the major program students. Therefore, this report will try to discuss about the establishment and development of the Ancient Criminal Law by the Ancient Laws. But there were a few documentations and information to study of Korean own Ancient Legislation such as 8 Fundamental Laws and the laws of Goguryo and Shilla, so there was not enough to proceed the study at all. This paper consisted by following chapters. 1. Introduction 2. Ancient Chosun(Korea) Era 3. Tribal States Era 4. Criminal Legislation((Laws) and Legal Thought 5. Conclusion