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위급상황에 대한 불안의식의 증대는 시민의 일상생활이 제도적 안전장치로부터 보호받지 못하고 모든 형태의 범죄로부터 신변의 위협이 노출되는 사회적 환경에서 비롯되고 있다. 특히, 사적소유의 재산과 개인의 사회활동에 대한 안전보장이 제도적 안전장치의 부재 등으로 더 이상 공권력에 의존될 수 없다고 하는 현실과 ‘내 안전은 내가 지킨다’는 개인 안보의식의 증대가 민간경호경비의 사회적 동인으로 작용을 하였다. 그러나 경찰권의 보조적 또는 보완적 역할로서 시민의 안전을 담당하는 민간경호경비요원들은 제도적인 양성과정이나 특별한 법적 보호 장치가 없으므로 해서 안전요원으로서의 활동에 많은 제약을 받고 있다. 이에 대해 본 논문은 민간경호경비요원의 사회적 활동과 안전역할에 법적 근거를 제공하고 있는 경비업법의 법적 구조를 분석평가함으로서 민간경호경비요원들의 안전 활동에 대한 한계성을 제시하려 한다.

The Legal Structure of the Private Security on the Emergency situation confront A Study on the legal structure of the private security on the emergence situation confront is studied by culminating the social hazards and the safety problem about it are on the increase too. According to the needs for the safety the demand of the private guard and security provided the safety and security service against danger is also increasing. So recently the demand for civil guards and security shows rapid growth. However the supply and training system have some limitations. The legal structure of the private security is insufficient, unsatisfactory, incomplete and inadequate for the private agent security. The purpose of this study is to grasp and carry out researches into the legal structure on the private security agent, and find out a proposal to supplementary to legal structure.

The Legal Structure of the Private Security on the Emergency situation confront A Study on the legal structure of the private security on the emergence situation confront is studied by culminating the social hazards and the safety problem about it are on the increase too. According to the needs for the safety the demand of the private guard and security provided the safety and security service against danger is also increasing. So recently the demand for civil guards and security shows rapid growth. However the supply and training system have some limitations. The legal structure of the private security is insufficient, unsatisfactory, incomplete and inadequate for the private agent security. The purpose of this study is to grasp and carry out researches into the legal structure on the private security agent, and find out a proposal to supplementary to legal structure.