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부동산등기제도는 부동산에 대한 현재의 권리상태와 그 권리변동 과정을 등기부라는 공적 장부에 기재하여 부동산거래의 안전을 도모하기 위한 부동산공시제도이다. 현행 민법은 성립요건주의를 채택함으로써 부동산등기는 등기에 관한 현재의 물권상태를 진실한 상태 그대로 공시할 것을 요청하게 됨으로써 등기가 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 그러나 부동산수요의 급증으로 인하여 부동산은 투기 대상이 되어 세금포탈 등 탈법행위를 조장하는 사회적 문제까지 야기시키고 있어서 등기제도의 완비는 시급한 과제라 아니할 수 없다. 또한 근대적 등기제도가 시행된 지 상당한 세월이 흘렀지만, 이상적인 부동산등기가 이루어지지 못하여 부동산등기가 부동산거래 과정 및 현재의 권리상태를 진실 그대로 공시하지 못하는 부실등기가 적지 않게 행해지고 있고, 그에 대한 대책으로 각종의 특별법들이 등장하기에 이르렀다. 본 논문은 이러한 문제점의 인식하에 우리나라의 부동산등기제도의 제반사항을 검토하고 부동산등기제도의 원활화와 확실화를 위하여 그 문제점을 파악하고 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다.

Problem and Improvement of Real-estate Registration System The real-estate registration records the right condition and the right fluctuation process of the present time against the real estate in the achievement account book which is a registration department and it plans the immediacy of real estate transaction it is a real estate public notification system for. About lower the real estate becomes the competition object but with rapid increase of real estate demand and the tax gun the back which will burn until the social problem which promotes the law act which will burn a possibility without of being it is causing and perfection of registration system the subject which is urgent there is not. The dissertation which it sees investigates the various matters clause of our country floating ridge of a mountain complete degree under recognizing like this problem point and for the smooth anger and a positive anger of floating ridge of a mountain complete degree that problem point and a improvement program and and to sleep it grasps it presents it does.

Problem and Improvement of Real-estate Registration System The real-estate registration records the right condition and the right fluctuation process of the present time against the real estate in the achievement account book which is a registration department and it plans the immediacy of real estate transaction it is a real estate public notification system for. About lower the real estate becomes the competition object but with rapid increase of real estate demand and the tax gun the back which will burn until the social problem which promotes the law act which will burn a possibility without of being it is causing and perfection of registration system the subject which is urgent there is not. The dissertation which it sees investigates the various matters clause of our country floating ridge of a mountain complete degree under recognizing like this problem point and for the smooth anger and a positive anger of floating ridge of a mountain complete degree that problem point and a improvement program and and to sleep it grasps it presents it does.