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중국은 민사손해배상제도에 있어 우리나라와 같은 전보성배상을 그 원칙으로 하고 있다. 따라서 피해자가 입은 손해를 전제로 배상액은 그 손해를 초과할 수 없으며, 징벌성배상은 원칙적으로 허용되지 않는다. 징벌성배상은 원래 영국에서 시작하여 미국에서 발전한 제도로, 악의적 가해자에 대한 징계와 억제, 사회 일반에 대한 본보기로 가해지는 일종의 징벌적 성격을 가진다.중국은 1994년 소비자권익보호법을 시행하면서 사업자의 사기행위로 인한 소비자피해에 징벌성배상제도를 도입청구가 가능하도록 입법화하여, 우리 법과 차별적인 태도를 보이고 있다. 우리나라에서도 소비자보호 영역에 예외적으로 징벌성배상제도를 도입하여 소비자보호에 충실하여야 한다는 필요성이 꾸준히 제기되고 있다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 중국 소비자권익보호법의 입법취지와 적용요건 및 범위에 관한 연구를 토대로 실제 적용사례를 분석하여, 우리 법에의 도입시 시사점을 얻고자 하였다.

A Study on the Punitive Damages under the Consumer Protection Act In China Punitive damages is a special one that is originated from Britain and developed in America. Under American and British law system, punitive damages have been playing an important role for criticism on the malignancy of illegal violator, punishment or repression occurrences in the future. But Korea and China both make it a rule to compensate for the damages occurred to victims in compensation system. In this circumstances, it is a notable figure that China has introduced punitive damages compensation system under Consumer Protection Act(1994). In this paper, I has been studied in three parts : The first, for what purpose did China introduce punitive damages in Consumer Protection Act. The second, which problems were happened in applying punitive damages. And lately, what we are able to acquire from Chinese various points of dispute and experiences. Recently in Korea, the academic study of punitive damages is expanding and in many field, more particularly in the field of relation to protect of consumer's right, the necessity of introduction punitive damages is becoming prevalent. It is expected to be change and develop our consumer protection system through introduction of punitive damages.

A Study on the Punitive Damages under the Consumer Protection Act In China Punitive damages is a special one that is originated from Britain and developed in America. Under American and British law system, punitive damages have been playing an important role for criticism on the malignancy of illegal violator, punishment or repression occurrences in the future. But Korea and China both make it a rule to compensate for the damages occurred to victims in compensation system. In this circumstances, it is a notable figure that China has introduced punitive damages compensation system under Consumer Protection Act(1994). In this paper, I has been studied in three parts : The first, for what purpose did China introduce punitive damages in Consumer Protection Act. The second, which problems were happened in applying punitive damages. And lately, what we are able to acquire from Chinese various points of dispute and experiences. Recently in Korea, the academic study of punitive damages is expanding and in many field, more particularly in the field of relation to protect of consumer's right, the necessity of introduction punitive damages is becoming prevalent. It is expected to be change and develop our consumer protection system through introduction of punitive damages.