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청소년유해환경으로부터 청소년을 보호하자는 취지에서 1997년 청소년보호법이 제정된 이래 그 실효성에 대한 의문이 제기되어 왔다. 청소년기본법 제57조에서 ‘청소년에게 유해한 업소 및 유해한 행위의 종류·범위’들은 식품위생법시행령(제7조 제8호), 공중위생법시행령(제3조), 사행행위등규제법(제2조 제1항), 풍속영업의규정에관한법률(제2조 제5호), 담배사업법(제16조 제1항), 유해화학물질관리법(제10조 제1항) 등으로 규제되고 있다. 이에 대해 본 연구는 청소년보호법에 관한 일반 성인들과 유해업소로 간주되는 업주들을 대상으로 청소년보호법 규제조항에 대한 인지도 실태를 파악하여 제도적인 장치에 의한 청소년들의 보호 정도 및 청소년보호법의 사회적인 정착 과정을 살펴보고 있다. 또한 규제중심의 정책적 한계점도 살펴보면서 제도적인 정책에 의해서만 청소년들이 각종의 사회 유해환경으로부터 보호받고 있지 못하다는 사실도 규명하며, 향후 모색되어져야 할 과제들도 제시하고자 한다.

A Study on the Youth Protection Law for the Youth welfare This research is on the Study on the Youth Protection Law for the Youth welfare to analyze the differences of awareness on HEY according to age, smoking and drinking, existence or nonexistence of offspring, attitude style on their children in each group, and to find respondents opinions after Youth Protection Law was established and enforced. The result were as follows: 1. There were no significant differences of awareness on HEY between the adult and the owner groups, but the awareness of owners was higher than that of the adult group on Youth Protection Law. 2. On the law, the awareness degree of punishment articles was very low in both groups. 3. The authoritative parents had the highest degree of awareness. 4. Most of the respondents were quite willing to participate when adolescents committed delinquencies, denunciation will was low. 5. Most of the respondents showed the affirmative attitude about civil monitor having judical power.

A Study on the Youth Protection Law for the Youth welfare This research is on the Study on the Youth Protection Law for the Youth welfare to analyze the differences of awareness on HEY according to age, smoking and drinking, existence or nonexistence of offspring, attitude style on their children in each group, and to find respondents opinions after Youth Protection Law was established and enforced. The result were as follows: 1. There were no significant differences of awareness on HEY between the adult and the owner groups, but the awareness of owners was higher than that of the adult group on Youth Protection Law. 2. On the law, the awareness degree of punishment articles was very low in both groups. 3. The authoritative parents had the highest degree of awareness. 4. Most of the respondents were quite willing to participate when adolescents committed delinquencies, denunciation will was low. 5. Most of the respondents showed the affirmative attitude about civil monitor having judical power.