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(1) 이글은 미국의 대외경제제재에 관련된 입법체계와 해당 법적용상의 문제점을 지적한다. 단, 군수물품에 대한 수출입 통제 문제는 제재와 무관할 수 있으므로 여기서 제외된다. 우선, 미국의 경제제재체계는 매우 복잡하지만, 경제제재에 관련된 법은 크게 일반법체계와 특별법체계로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 전자의 경우엔 “對敵性國통상법(TWEA)”, “수출관리법(EAA)”, “국제긴급상황경제조치법(IEEPA)” 등이 관계되며, 이들은 “외국자산통제규정(FACR)”, “쿠바자산통제규정(CACR)”, “수출관리규정(EAR)” 등의 시행령을 갖고있다. 후자의 경우엔 “Iran제재법(ISA)”과 “쿠바민주화촉진법(Helms-Burton Act)” 등이 있다. (2) 미국의 경제제재법이 특히 제기하는 문제점은 조치의 任意性이라기보다는 자의적인 域外適用에 있다고 할 수 있다. 一般法체계상의 역외적용성은 첫째, ‘자국의 관할에 속하는 자’에 대해 동법을 적용하겠다는 것인데, 이에는 외국소재 지점 및 자회사뿐만 아니라 자국민이 통제하는 외국기업도 포함하게 되어 문제가 되고 있다. 둘째는 ‘자국의 관할에 속하는 재산 및 재산적 이익’을 적용대상으로 하는데, 이에는 자국의 부품, 자재와 타국과 공동으로 제작한 산품 및 기술뿐만 아니라 미국의 기술로 외국기업이 생산한 물품까지 그 관할 속에 넣고 있다. 特別法의 경우엔 ‘이차적 보이코트’와 함께 제3자를 상대로 국내법원에서의 손해배상을 위한 제소권이 문제되고 있다. (3) 미국경제제재법의 주요 불법성을 보자면, 우선 국제법상 관할이 없음에도 그 관할을 부당하게 확대한다는 것이고, 이로 인해 경우에 따라서는 NAFTA 나 WTO의 규정에 명백히 위반되는 경우가 있는가 하면, 일반국제법상으로도 용납될 수 없는 것으로 파악되기도 한다. 미국의 경제제재법의 문제점은 특히 Helms-Burton 법에서 적나라하게 나타나고 있다.

⑴ The purpose of this paper is to describe the system and the problems of U.S. Economic sanction Acts, applied extraterritorially. The main subject of this paper can be divided largely in three parts. Part Ⅰ presents a summary of the U.S. laws and regulations that impose the economic sanction. Part Ⅱ identifies the extra- territoriality of the U.S. economic sanction Acts. Part Ⅲ analyzes the unlawfulness of the extraterritorial application of U.S. economic sanction Acts, with special reference to the Helms-Burton Act which is extremely much blamed. ⑵ The U.S. economic sanctions acts can be divided in two : general act system and special act system. The former consists of the ‘TWEA’, ‘EAA’ and ‘IEEPA’. These acts are supplemented with regulations such as ‘FACR’, ‘CACR’ and ‘EAR’ Etc. The Special Act System consists of the ‘D'Amato Act’ which sanctions Iran and Libya and the ‘Helms-Burton Act’ which sanctions Cuba. ⑶ The extraterritoriality of U.S. general economic sanction act system consists in facts which it tries to be apply to “persons subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S.”, that comprise branches and subsidiaries situated in foreign countries and other countries' corporations controlled by U.S. person. And it also consists in the fact which it also tries to be apply to “any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. and any property or interest of any foreign country or national thereof shall vest”. That of special Act system consists especially in the so-called secondary Boycott. ⑷ The U.S. economic sanction acts are applied extraterritorially with no jurisdictional base in international law. Such Extraterritorial application of the Acts are not only in contravention of the stipulations of NAFTA and GATT/WTO but also against general international law. It's the Helms-Burton Act that represents remarkably the international unlawfulness of U.S. economic sanction acts.

⑴ The purpose of this paper is to describe the system and the problems of U.S. Economic sanction Acts, applied extraterritorially. The main subject of this paper can be divided largely in three parts. Part Ⅰ presents a summary of the U.S. laws and regulations that impose the economic sanction. Part Ⅱ identifies the extra- territoriality of the U.S. economic sanction Acts. Part Ⅲ analyzes the unlawfulness of the extraterritorial application of U.S. economic sanction Acts, with special reference to the Helms-Burton Act which is extremely much blamed. ⑵ The U.S. economic sanctions acts can be divided in two : general act system and special act system. The former consists of the ‘TWEA’, ‘EAA’ and ‘IEEPA’. These acts are supplemented with regulations such as ‘FACR’, ‘CACR’ and ‘EAR’ Etc. The Special Act System consists of the ‘D'Amato Act’ which sanctions Iran and Libya and the ‘Helms-Burton Act’ which sanctions Cuba. ⑶ The extraterritoriality of U.S. general economic sanction act system consists in facts which it tries to be apply to “persons subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S.”, that comprise branches and subsidiaries situated in foreign countries and other countries' corporations controlled by U.S. person. And it also consists in the fact which it also tries to be apply to “any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. and any property or interest of any foreign country or national thereof shall vest”. That of special Act system consists especially in the so-called secondary Boycott. ⑷ The U.S. economic sanction acts are applied extraterritorially with no jurisdictional base in international law. Such Extraterritorial application of the Acts are not only in contravention of the stipulations of NAFTA and GATT/WTO but also against general international law. It's the Helms-Burton Act that represents remarkably the international unlawfulness of U.S. economic sanction acts.