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본 연구에서는 최면수사에 관한 인식을 살피기 위해 일차적으로 한국인에게 있어 최면은 어떤 의미를 갖고 있는지를 파악해 보고 그 결과에 대해 특성과 차이가 무엇인지를 경험적으로 밝힌 후 최면수사에 대한 수사관들의 인식을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 연구 1에서는 최면 특성에 대한 사회적 표상을 조사하고 그 자료들을 범주화하여 비교함으로써 속성을 파악하고 이를 통해 최면의 태도를 밝히려고 하였다. 연구 2에서는 연구 1에서 각 개념이 형성되는 이유로 수집된 특성들을 근거로 구조화된 설문지를 만들어 수사기관에 종사하고 있는 사람들이 최면수사를 어떤 의미로 받아들이는지를 파악하기 위하여 수사기관별, 성별, 근무년수별의 관계를 살피었다. 최면에 대한 일반인들의 태도는 최면을 신비감으로 인식하고 있는 것과 동시에 최면의 용도에서 최면이 치료나 수사기법으로 활용되고 있다는 인식을 하고 있어 최면에 대한 대학생들의 인식은 이중적이라고 생각할 수 있으며 최면수사에 대한 수사기관들의 인식은 긍정적이었고 수사기관별, 성별, 근무년수별에 차이가 나타나지 않는 것으로 보아 대체로 수사관들이 최면수사에 대한 긍정적인 태도를 취하고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있어 최면수사가 과학적인 수사기법의 하나로 인정받고 자리매김을 하고 있다고 결론 지울 수 있다.

The intention of this research is to study the perceptions of hypnosis and hypnotic investigation. To achieve these goals, the following two study topics were set: First, what is the recognition of hypnosis? Second what is the recognition of hypnotic investigation? To solve the question, I studied theoretical materials by studying documentary records and made surveys composed of seven questions from four different areas. The people who take the survey are 173 who work in university students. Moreover, in order to find the difference in the recognition on hypnosis. first I found out the importance of perceptions of hypnosis the importance of perception of hypnosis. The brief findings of the study were as below: The perceptions of the hypnosis. Most of the students investigated felt the former-life, sub-consciousness, weak person, so on. To solve the "what is the recognition of hypnotic investigation?" The people who take the survey are 29 who work in the investigating authorities. First, what is the recognition of importance of hypnotic investigation? Second what is the criminal cases to hypnotic investigation? Lastly what do you think why the hypnotic investigation need? They are using of unconsciousness, all of the criminal cases, collecting information. What differences are there among the views of investigator on hypnotic investigation? The results depending on gender difference, age, job background, job related subjects, provided the result that there are no related with each others. This gives the investigator clue that all investigator think hypnotic investigation to positive investigative methods. In conclusion for investigator to provide effective hypnotic investigation with great number of subjects, they need to meet the all of the important informations and areas shown from the results of survey. Finally, in addition to this research, more research on the reasons for the results of the survey and the effort to look for methods in providing effective guidance with the help of this research are in need. This study aims ultimately at mediating the effective hypnotic investigation in the course of investigation. The development of scientific investigation techniques for the solving criminal cases can be said to have the goal in assisting the criminal cases, Such an effort to improve solving criminal cases will ultimately lay the perceptions of hypnotic investigation.

The intention of this research is to study the perceptions of hypnosis and hypnotic investigation. To achieve these goals, the following two study topics were set: First, what is the recognition of hypnosis? Second what is the recognition of hypnotic investigation? To solve the question, I studied theoretical materials by studying documentary records and made surveys composed of seven questions from four different areas. The people who take the survey are 173 who work in university students. Moreover, in order to find the difference in the recognition on hypnosis. first I found out the importance of perceptions of hypnosis the importance of perception of hypnosis. The brief findings of the study were as below: The perceptions of the hypnosis. Most of the students investigated felt the former-life, sub-consciousness, weak person, so on. To solve the "what is the recognition of hypnotic investigation?" The people who take the survey are 29 who work in the investigating authorities. First, what is the recognition of importance of hypnotic investigation? Second what is the criminal cases to hypnotic investigation? Lastly what do you think why the hypnotic investigation need? They are using of unconsciousness, all of the criminal cases, collecting information. What differences are there among the views of investigator on hypnotic investigation? The results depending on gender difference, age, job background, job related subjects, provided the result that there are no related with each others. This gives the investigator clue that all investigator think hypnotic investigation to positive investigative methods. In conclusion for investigator to provide effective hypnotic investigation with great number of subjects, they need to meet the all of the important informations and areas shown from the results of survey. Finally, in addition to this research, more research on the reasons for the results of the survey and the effort to look for methods in providing effective guidance with the help of this research are in need. This study aims ultimately at mediating the effective hypnotic investigation in the course of investigation. The development of scientific investigation techniques for the solving criminal cases can be said to have the goal in assisting the criminal cases, Such an effort to improve solving criminal cases will ultimately lay the perceptions of hypnotic investigation.