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현행 등기관련법규만으로는 부실등기를 신뢰한 선의의 거래자에 대한 보호는 충분하지 않은 것이 사실이다. 입법정책상 부동산에 공신의 원칙을 인정하려면 적어도 등기가 실체관계를 정확하게 반영하여야 하므로 등기공무원에게 실질적 심사권을 부여하고 등기원인에 대한 공증이 필요하며, 등기절차가 지연되는 것을 방지할 장치가 필요할 뿐만 아니라 진정한 권리자의 권리상실을 전보하기 위한 등기보험제도를 도입하여야 하는데 이러한 제도적 보강은 현실적으로 여러 어려운 문제를 내포하고 있다. 그러나 현행 민법이 제정되고 50년 흘러 어느 정도의 제도적 정비가 마련되었고, 특히 등기관련 공무원들의 질적 향상과 등기의 공신력을 인정해야 할 필요성 또한 성숙되었다고 본다. 즉 현재의 불완전한 부동산 거래의 현실과 거래당사자들의 불측의 피해를 최소한으로 줄이기 위해서는 등기의 공신력을 인정하기 위한 제도적 정비와 보완을 통하여 공신력을 인정하여야 할 것이다. 본 논문에서 현행 부동산 등기제도의 문제점들에 대한 법정책적 해결 방안에 대한 방향성을 모색해 보고자 한다.

It can be generally said that the public trust of registry is based on the registry system. The public trust is not admitted at the registry system in Korea. Therefore, the third party which trust the improper registry suffers the damage. So It must recognize the Public Trust Security of real estate registry system. This study Investigates on the theory concerning the public trust of real estate registry and the Enactment regarding to public trust with particular emphasis to the ways to admit the public trust. Improper registration is caused by inconsistencies between register book of real estate registry and true legal relationship. There is conformity matter concerning real legal relationship and registrer book when there are changes in the right and property. The security of trade can be endangered when there are inconsistencies between changes in the property and the registry. Therefore it must make aqually between land register(cadastre) and real estate registry and between real estate registry and true legal relationships. There also need to be examinations on the legal relationships concerning that registration when a certain registration is applied by who is entitled to the registration. But the process which it says as above must be slowed down registration process, it will damage the swiftness of the trade. But there are not examination processes like that in real estate registry of Korea. So for the purpose of promptess of the registration process and investigation of the legal relationships concerning that registry, the registration official's authority should be strengthened and the way to register by authentication paper of registration causation should be established. As the means the substantial right to the investigation about the identification of person concerned and registration causation must be given to registration official(registrar). And it must nominate judicial assistant official to registrar who takes charge of registry affairs as quasi-judicial agency. In order to accomplish this objective the provision of the Court Organization Law, Regitration of Real Estate Act, Civil Law and Rules of Judicial Assistant Official must be established or amended simultaneously.