초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Let's guess at the court of justice where offence and defence exist in. At this court a prosecutor will insist on guilty of the accused as likely as not, But on the contrary the accused insist on his innocence, because his action comes under Article 21of the Crimianl Code a legal defence(Notwehr).Die Notwehr is one of the Rechtsfertigungsgrund in Korean-Criminal Code. Notwehr is needed an objective factor, an subjektive(inner) factor and Adaguanz.If there is no Adaquanz, the defence is not legal, that is " Notwehrexzes ". Die Notwehrexzes is not die Notwehr, so the done action constitutes a crime perfectly, but will be able to be reduced by judge according to Artical 21② in Korean Crimanal Code.If defender has no a subjektive Verteidinggungwille as inner factor, Erfolgsunwert is excluded, only Handlungunwert is left. This is similar to structure of Untauglicher Versuch, so it is more reasonable that defender is punished not negligence rather than Vorsatzdelikte according to principal of the " In dubio pro reo".

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

court of justice, legal defence, Die Notwehr, Crimanal Code