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이 논문은 1998〜2007년 『로동신문』에 나타난 북한의 선군정치 내용을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 선군정치는 국가전략인 강성대국을 건설하기 위한 방법이며 정치적 기반은 참모부 당과 주력세력 군, 사회적 기반은 ‘군민일치’, 사상적 기반은 선군사상으로 구성되어 있다. 선군논리에서 지속적인 부분은 김정일의 새로운 정치방식, 당의 영도적 역할, 반제자주적 성격을 강조한다는 점이며 2001년을 기점으로 두 단계로 진화하여 왔다. 그 이전 시기가 선군정치 자체에 대한 단순한 설명에 그쳤다면, 그 이후는 설명이 보다 구체화, 정교화되는 한편 선군방식의 활용범위가 대내적 혁명ㆍ건설 부문을 넘어 대남, 통일, 해외 선전 등으로 확대되어 나타난다. 북한은 선군정치를 활용하기 위해 남한 및 해외에서의 지지 보도를 활용하여 선군정치를 정당화하여 왔다. 경제부문에서는 군의 사상 및 투쟁 기풍을 체화, 생활화하기 위하여 ‘선군전형’을 대중화하여 인민들을 동원하여 왔다. 그리고 학습을 통하여 인민들 가운데 반미 의식을 강화하는 한편 통일과정에서 북한의 우위를 주장하여 왔다. 최근 개정된 헌법을 보면 향후 상당기간 북한은 선군정치방식으로 국가를 이끌 것이다. 이에 따라 선군논리는 지속적으로 보완, 수정될 것이며 후계구도의 정당화를 위해서도 역할을 할 것이다.

This thesis aims to analyze the contents of North Korea’s ‘Military-first politics’ which Rodong-shinmun had represented from 1998 to 2007. ‘Military-first politics’ is the way to accomplish the national strategy to construct strong and prosperous country, and its political basis lies in the party which is the general staff section and the army, the main power. And its social basis lies in the unity of the military forces and the civilians, and its ideological basis lies in ‘Military-first ideas.’ ‘Military-first politics’ can be characterized by a long-term strategy, the combination of politics and military, historicity and succession, and lastly, the emphasis of ideology in the contents. ‘Military-first politics’ consistently emphasizes three points: A brand-new political (ruling) method by Kim Jong Il, the leading role of the party and the anti-imperialist and self-dependent characteristic. And this has evolved in two stages on the point of the year 2001. In the former stage, ‘Military-first politics’ simply focused on explaining ‘Military-first politics’ itself, in the latter stage, the explanations became concrete and exquisite and Military-first method had applied broader from domestic revolutionㆍconstruction part to South Korea, Unification, and propaganda abroad and so on. North Korea has justified ‘Military-first politics’ with good use of supporting reports from South Korea and abroad. In the economy area, ‘Military-first type’ has been popularized to acquire the military ideologies and struggle spirits and make them part of life, then, applied to mobilize people. In addition, with the learning of ‘Military-first politics’, North Korea has strengthened anti-Americanism among people and insisted its initiative in the process of unification. The recently amended North Korean constitution implies that North Korea continues to lead the state on ‘Military-first politics’ method for a considerable time ahead. Accordingly, the contents of ‘Military-first politics’ are continuously going to complement and revise, and play its certain role in justification of the succession planning.

This thesis aims to analyze the contents of North Korea’s ‘Military-first politics’ which Rodong-shinmun had represented from 1998 to 2007. ‘Military-first politics’ is the way to accomplish the national strategy to construct strong and prosperous country, and its political basis lies in the party which is the general staff section and the army, the main power. And its social basis lies in the unity of the military forces and the civilians, and its ideological basis lies in ‘Military-first ideas.’ ‘Military-first politics’ can be characterized by a long-term strategy, the combination of politics and military, historicity and succession, and lastly, the emphasis of ideology in the contents. ‘Military-first politics’ consistently emphasizes three points: A brand-new political (ruling) method by Kim Jong Il, the leading role of the party and the anti-imperialist and self-dependent characteristic. And this has evolved in two stages on the point of the year 2001. In the former stage, ‘Military-first politics’ simply focused on explaining ‘Military-first politics’ itself, in the latter stage, the explanations became concrete and exquisite and Military-first method had applied broader from domestic revolutionㆍconstruction part to South Korea, Unification, and propaganda abroad and so on. North Korea has justified ‘Military-first politics’ with good use of supporting reports from South Korea and abroad. In the economy area, ‘Military-first type’ has been popularized to acquire the military ideologies and struggle spirits and make them part of life, then, applied to mobilize people. In addition, with the learning of ‘Military-first politics’, North Korea has strengthened anti-Americanism among people and insisted its initiative in the process of unification. The recently amended North Korean constitution implies that North Korea continues to lead the state on ‘Military-first politics’ method for a considerable time ahead. Accordingly, the contents of ‘Military-first politics’ are continuously going to complement and revise, and play its certain role in justification of the succession planning.