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이 논문은 삼국시대부터 고려시대까지의 한문학 연구의 현재적 상황을 검토하는 한편, 이 시대 한문학 연구를 활성화하기 위한 중요 과제의 하나로서의 자료 정리 문제를 모색하기 위한 노력의 일환으로 집필되었다. 검토한 바에 의하면 현재 고려시대까지의 한문학에 대한 연구는, 왕성한 연구 활동과 함께 연구 결과의 대중화까지 활발하게 이루어지고 있는 조선시대의 경우와는 달리, 연구사의 공백기라 규정해도 좋을 정도로 침체의 늪에 빠져 있었다. 이와 같은 침체가 장기적으로 계속되면 장구한 한문학사의 거시적 실체를 총체적으로 인식하는데도 심각한 跛行性을 드러내게 될 것이라는 당연한 우려가 뒤따랐다. 이 시대의 한문학에 대한 연구가 이와 같은 침체의 늪에 빠지게 된 데는 여러 가지 이유가 있겠지만, 본격적인 연구를 진행하기 위한 원초적 토대에 해당하는 자료 정리가 제대로 이루어지지 않고 있는 것도 커다란 이유의 하나였다. 따라서 이 시대의 한문학에 대한 연구가 탄력을 받기 위해서는 자료의 총체적 수집과 체계적 정리가 무엇보다도 중요하다고 판단되었다. 특히 장르별, 시대별, 작가별로 편찬된 『東文選』을, 시대별, 작가별, 장르별로 재배치한 새로운 『동문선』으로 편찬하는 작업, 판독이 불가능한 부분이 대단히 많은 崔瀣의 『東人之文四六』을 관련 문헌을 총동원하여 복원하고 校勘하는 작업, 『新增東國輿地勝覽』에 수록된 작품들을 정리한 작품집의 편찬, 고려시대까지 활약한 문인들의 모든 유고를 작가별로 종합 정리하여 문인들의 유고집을 간행하는 작업, 『三國遺事』에 대한 보다 치밀하고 전면적인 원전비평 작업 등이 그 가운데서도 시급하게 이루어져야 할 중요 과제들로 부각되었다. 요컨대 이러한 기초 작업을 바탕으로 하여, 연구 성과가 거의 없었던 연구사의 초창기에 학계의 대가에 의하여 그려진 밑그림을 신뢰하는 바탕 위에서 지속적으로 덧칠을 해 왔던 지금까지의 연구방식을 지양하고, 그 밑그림 자체의 타당성을 근본적으로 회의하고 의심하는 시각을 확보한다면 이 시대의 한문학을 이해하는 새로운 시야가 열릴 수도 있을 것이다.

This research has been done with an aim to examine the present situation of research work of Chinese literature ranging from the period of the three ancient States to the period of Goryeo and as a part of endeavors to look into the issue of material arrangement as a top priority task for the revitalization of research on Chinese literature in this period. According to this examination, current research work on Chinese literature, unlike the situation of the Joseon period when an active popularization of research results was actively made together with vigorous research work, is in a state of as much stagnancy as to prescribe this as a blank period of research history, and suppose such a stagnant state continues for a long term, it is much feared that it will be a great impediment even to the overall perception of the time-honored history of macroscopic actual entity of Chinese literature. Though there would be a lot of reasons for such an inactive state of research work on Chinese literature in the current period, one of main reasons for this is that the related material arrangement to Chinese literature, which is a basic foundation for aggressive research work, is not properly fulfilled, this research thinks. Therefore, it was judged that general collection of materials and their systematic arrangement, such as digging out all works of literary persons that are scattered in a wide scope of literature and then overall arrangement by writer, are more important than anything else so that the research work on Chinese literature in this age can get an elasticity. In other words, it will be possible for us to open a new horizon to understand the Chinese literature in this period on the basis of such a basic process of work if we could obtain a basically skeptic & doubtful view of the validity of earlier period masters' rough sketch on the basis of such a basic process of work while doing away with the method of re-coating on the ground of reliability in rough sketches drawn by masters in the earlier period of research history when there were almost no accumulated research results.

This research has been done with an aim to examine the present situation of research work of Chinese literature ranging from the period of the three ancient States to the period of Goryeo and as a part of endeavors to look into the issue of material arrangement as a top priority task for the revitalization of research on Chinese literature in this period. According to this examination, current research work on Chinese literature, unlike the situation of the Joseon period when an active popularization of research results was actively made together with vigorous research work, is in a state of as much stagnancy as to prescribe this as a blank period of research history, and suppose such a stagnant state continues for a long term, it is much feared that it will be a great impediment even to the overall perception of the time-honored history of macroscopic actual entity of Chinese literature. Though there would be a lot of reasons for such an inactive state of research work on Chinese literature in the current period, one of main reasons for this is that the related material arrangement to Chinese literature, which is a basic foundation for aggressive research work, is not properly fulfilled, this research thinks. Therefore, it was judged that general collection of materials and their systematic arrangement, such as digging out all works of literary persons that are scattered in a wide scope of literature and then overall arrangement by writer, are more important than anything else so that the research work on Chinese literature in this age can get an elasticity. In other words, it will be possible for us to open a new horizon to understand the Chinese literature in this period on the basis of such a basic process of work if we could obtain a basically skeptic & doubtful view of the validity of earlier period masters' rough sketch on the basis of such a basic process of work while doing away with the method of re-coating on the ground of reliability in rough sketches drawn by masters in the earlier period of research history when there were almost no accumulated research results.