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본고를 통하여 任相元(1638-1697)의 『郊居瑣編』(이하 『郊居』로 줄임) 소재 필기 자료와 조선 후기 야담집 가운데서 찾아지는 동일 소재로 이루어진 일련의 자료들을 대상으로, 필기와 야담이 갖는 관련 양상의 구체적 실상에 대해 검토한 결과, 그 면모가 다음 3 가지 층위로 나누어지고 있다는 점을 밝힐 수 있었다. 곧 첫째, 필기가 야담집에 그 자체의 면모 그대로 수용되는 ‘단순 전재’의 양상을 드러내고 있는 경우, 둘째, 필기가 야담집에 삽화로 분리되어 수용되는 ‘부분 수용’의 양상을 드러내고 있는 경우, 셋째, 필기가 야담집에서 수용되면서 소극적 또는 적극적으로 ‘변이, 개작’되는 양상을 드러내고 있는 경우(소극적 변이와 적극적 변이) 등이 그것이다.

This thesis aims to compare with several Versions of Pilgi in ꡔGyogeo- Soaepyeonꡕ(郊居瑣編) written by Lim, Sangwoon(任相元; 1638-1697) and same Versions in Yadam collections in the late Chosun dynasty. This research could be abstracted as follow. First, some versions of Pilgi were samely reprinted in Yadam collection. I called it 'reproduction'. Second, several versions were divided to small motifs and reprinted in Yadam collections. It could be named by 'part-acception'. Third, other versions of Pilgi were partly changed and accepted in Yadam collections. It could be called by variations. Bur the phase of variations are two different. Some versions were changed small and the others are large.

This thesis aims to compare with several Versions of Pilgi in ꡔGyogeo- Soaepyeonꡕ(郊居瑣編) written by Lim, Sangwoon(任相元; 1638-1697) and same Versions in Yadam collections in the late Chosun dynasty. This research could be abstracted as follow. First, some versions of Pilgi were samely reprinted in Yadam collection. I called it 'reproduction'. Second, several versions were divided to small motifs and reprinted in Yadam collections. It could be named by 'part-acception'. Third, other versions of Pilgi were partly changed and accepted in Yadam collections. It could be called by variations. Bur the phase of variations are two different. Some versions were changed small and the others are large.