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본 연구는 역사교사에 따라 내용지식과 교수내용지식의 특성이 어떻게 다른지를 고등학 교 교사 3명을 대상으로 문화기술적 연구방법 (ethnographic researchmethod) 사용하여 구체적으로 관찰한 것이다. 논의된 내용을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 역사교사는 수업에 필요한 내용지식을 서적, 대학교 강의, 동료 수업 참관을 통해 습득하 고 있었다. 내용지식은 역사적 사실이나 개념을 정확하게 가르치고, 전후관계를 통해 역사 흐름을 만들어 가는데 도움이 되었다. 또한 다양한 예시나 이야기거리 등 수업의 설명에 필 요한 소재를 형성하는데 도움을 주었다. 역사교사가 역사교육의 목적과 수업의 방향을 어떻 게 설정했느냐에 따라 교사 내용지식의 양과 질의 정도에서 차이가 났다. 역사교사는 내용지식을 통한 교과 내용의 이해에 있어서 교과서에 서술되어 있는 주요 내용과 개념을 참조하였다. 역사교사는 교과서의 내용이나 구성에 대해서 자기 나름의 견해 를 가지고 있었는데, 경력이 많은 교사일수록 교과서 서술의 문제점을 구체적으로 파악하였 다. 그리고 이를 토대로 수업 내용을 조절하고 보충하는데 능숙함을 발휘하였다. 또한 역사 교사는 수업 내용과 목표를 선정할 때 교과서와 더불어 학습자의 특성을 고려했으며, 경력 이 많을수록 학습자를 더 중요한 요소로 여겼다. 역사교사는 강의식 수업에서 다양한 교수내용지식을 활용하였다. 수업에서 유용한 교수 내용지식을 선정하는데 있어서 초임교사는 대학이나 대학원의 이론을 참조한 반면, 경력교 사들은 이론보다는 동료들의 수업 참관을 통해 좋은 방법을 실제 수업에 적용하고자 했다. 실제 수업에서 다양한 설명방식들을 활용하기 위해서는 교사의 적절한 선택과 조절이 필요 한데, 이러한 능력은 다양한 수업 경험을 통해 길러지는 것으로 보인다. 따라서 역사교사는 좋은 수업을 위해서 개인적인 공부를 기반으로 학회나 연수 참여 등 지속적인 연구가 필요함을 확인하였다. 또한 수업 전에 학습자의 선행 지식의 정도, 역사에 대한 관심 등을 고려하여 충분한 계획과 체계적인 수업 설계를 해야 할 것이다. 이 연구는 3명의 고등학교 교사를 대상으로 했기 때문에, 연구 결과가 중등 역사교사의 일반적인 특징이라고 보기는 어려울 것이다. 그러나 경력이 많음에 따라서 내용지식과 교수 내용지식의 폭이 넓어진다는 일반적인 경향성에 대한 사례 확인은 되었다고 생각된다. 앞으 로도 교사 요인과 수업과의 관계를 구체적으로 파악할 수 있는 다양한 현장 사례 연구가 이 루어져서 수업 개선에 대한 효율적인 방안과 교사 요인에 대한 논의가 지속적으로 발전되 었으면 한다.

This study, using an ethnographic research method on three high-school teachers, specifically observes how content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge differ depending on history teachers. Followings are the organized contents that were discussed. History teachers acquire necessary content knowledge for class through books, university lectures and inspecting their colleagues’lectures. Content knowledge was useful in teaching historical facts and concepts accurately and constructing a historical flow of the context. Also, it was useful in making class materials such as various examples and stories that are required for instruction. There were differences, depending on how a history teacher has set the purpose of history education and the direction of the class, in quality and quantity of pedagogical content knowledge. History teachers consult essential contents and concepts in the textbook for understanding, through content knowledge, the subject content. History teachers had their own opinion on the content and organization of the textbook but those who were more experienced grasped the descriptive problems in detail. Based on this, history teachers displayed proficiency in adjusting and supplementing class contents. Also, history teachers took the student’s characteristic in to consideration when choosing the class content and purpose. The more experience a teacher has, the more importance they placed on students. History teacher utilized various pedagogical content knowledge in a lecturebased class. In the process of choosing useful pedagogical content knowledge, inexperienced teachers consulted to theories of university or postgraduate school whereas experienced teachers, rather than theories, tried to apply good methods ,learned by inspecting lectures of colleagues, in actual class. In order to apply various explanation methods in actual class, appropriate selection and adjustment is required for the teacher and this ability can be acquired through various class experience. Therefore, it has been confirmed that history teachers require ongoing investigation, such as participating in an academic meeting or research study, based on personal studies. Also, history teachers, considering the students prior knowledge of the subject and their interest, should design sufficient plans and a systematic lesson. As this study was targeted towards three high-school teachers, it would be difficult to apply the study result as a common characteristic of a middle-school history teacher. But the general tendency that those who have more experience have a more broader range of content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge has been verified. Various field case studies, that can grasp the relationship between teacher factors and class, should be performed and an effective plan and teacher factors for improving class should be developed .

This study, using an ethnographic research method on three high-school teachers, specifically observes how content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge differ depending on history teachers. Followings are the organized contents that were discussed. History teachers acquire necessary content knowledge for class through books, university lectures and inspecting their colleagues’lectures. Content knowledge was useful in teaching historical facts and concepts accurately and constructing a historical flow of the context. Also, it was useful in making class materials such as various examples and stories that are required for instruction. There were differences, depending on how a history teacher has set the purpose of history education and the direction of the class, in quality and quantity of pedagogical content knowledge. History teachers consult essential contents and concepts in the textbook for understanding, through content knowledge, the subject content. History teachers had their own opinion on the content and organization of the textbook but those who were more experienced grasped the descriptive problems in detail. Based on this, history teachers displayed proficiency in adjusting and supplementing class contents. Also, history teachers took the student’s characteristic in to consideration when choosing the class content and purpose. The more experience a teacher has, the more importance they placed on students. History teacher utilized various pedagogical content knowledge in a lecturebased class. In the process of choosing useful pedagogical content knowledge, inexperienced teachers consulted to theories of university or postgraduate school whereas experienced teachers, rather than theories, tried to apply good methods ,learned by inspecting lectures of colleagues, in actual class. In order to apply various explanation methods in actual class, appropriate selection and adjustment is required for the teacher and this ability can be acquired through various class experience. Therefore, it has been confirmed that history teachers require ongoing investigation, such as participating in an academic meeting or research study, based on personal studies. Also, history teachers, considering the students prior knowledge of the subject and their interest, should design sufficient plans and a systematic lesson. As this study was targeted towards three high-school teachers, it would be difficult to apply the study result as a common characteristic of a middle-school history teacher. But the general tendency that those who have more experience have a more broader range of content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge has been verified. Various field case studies, that can grasp the relationship between teacher factors and class, should be performed and an effective plan and teacher factors for improving class should be developed .