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요즘 신문화사의 흐름과 더불어 내러티브 역사가 주목되고 있다. 그렇지만 우리의 역사 교과서는 아직 근대 역사학과 함께 발전했던 설명적 텍스트 방식에 머물러 있다. 집단 기억의 증진을 목적으로 하는 설명적 텍스트와 달리, 내러티브 서술은 이야기의 요소를 가지는 서술 방식이다. 그것은 화자의 목소리를 감추기보다 드러냄으로써 독자와의 소통을 시도하고, 역사적 사건·사실을 구체적이고 비유적으로 묘사하는 방식이다. 또 그것은 흔히 구어체, 대화체 등의 형식을 취함으로써 인간의 행동이 두드러지며 사건들 간의 인과적 연속성이 강조된다. 이러한 관점에서 연구자는 역사 수업에 활용할 수 있는 내러티브 교재를 개발하여 수업에 적용해 보았다. 개발된 내러티브 교재를 가지고 수업을 진행한 후 학생들의 반응을, 교과서를 가지고 진행한 경우와 비교했다. 실험 결과 교과서는 학생들의 적극적 반응을 이끌어 내지 못한 반면에, 독자와의 소통을 시도하는 내러티브 교재는 학생들로 하여금 교재에 몰입하고 역사적 사건·사실을 역사적인 맥락에서 사고할 수 있게 했다. 또 내러티브가 취한 구체적·비유적인 묘사 방식은 학생들로 하여금 역사적 사건·사실에 대한 분석과 해석을 촉진했다. 그리고 내러티브 서술 속에 두드러지게 나타난 인간의 행동과 인과적 연속성은, 학생들로 하여금 역사 사건의 동기와 의미 등을 생각하게 하고 현재의 자기 자신을 돌아보게 함으로써 의식의 변화를 이끈 것으로 보인다.

Recently narrative history is getting attention in the current of new cultural history. However the current history textbook remains in the form of an expository text that has been ongoing with modern history. Narrative history is a story-type description, while expository history is for the purpose of memorization. Narrative initiates talk with the reader, describes historical events or evidence in a concrete and figurative way and exposes the teller's voice rather than hiding it. In addition it highlights causal sequences among the events and emphasizes human behavior by writing in a colloquial and dialogical style. I have applied to the middle school class the newly written texts in a narrative mode. I compared the students' responses to the narrative text with the one to the expository text. It turned out the explanatory text which is being used at school didn't draw the students' active participation. However the narrative text led students to be absorbed in the text itself and contextualize the historical events. Moreover the colloquial and dialogical style of Narrative text helped students to promote the analysis and interpretation about the historical events and evidence. The human behavior and causal sequence in a narrative mode motivated students to think about the motive and meaning of the historical event. It resulted in a change of consciousness by students' reflecting by themselves.

Recently narrative history is getting attention in the current of new cultural history. However the current history textbook remains in the form of an expository text that has been ongoing with modern history. Narrative history is a story-type description, while expository history is for the purpose of memorization. Narrative initiates talk with the reader, describes historical events or evidence in a concrete and figurative way and exposes the teller's voice rather than hiding it. In addition it highlights causal sequences among the events and emphasizes human behavior by writing in a colloquial and dialogical style. I have applied to the middle school class the newly written texts in a narrative mode. I compared the students' responses to the narrative text with the one to the expository text. It turned out the explanatory text which is being used at school didn't draw the students' active participation. However the narrative text led students to be absorbed in the text itself and contextualize the historical events. Moreover the colloquial and dialogical style of Narrative text helped students to promote the analysis and interpretation about the historical events and evidence. The human behavior and causal sequence in a narrative mode motivated students to think about the motive and meaning of the historical event. It resulted in a change of consciousness by students' reflecting by themselves.