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오늘날 회자되는 세계사들은 기존의 전통적인 세계사와는 용어, 개념 및 접근방법 뿐 만아니라 교재 및 교수 학습 내용의 구성에 있어서도 전혀 새로운 패턴들을 보여주고 있다. 본고는 그 이해를 위한 시도적인 정리이다, 우선 최근 연구 동향을 통해 역사 연구와 역사교육에 있어서 세계사의 위상을 확인해 본다. 다음으로 역사학의 하위 영역(a subfield)으로서 전통적인 세계사와 새로운 세계사란 무엇인가를 알아 본다. 특히 universal history,new world history, global history, big history를 중심하여 그 개념화에 초점을 맞추었다. 어의, 과제와 방법, 그리고 기존의 세계사에서 새로운 세계사로의 전환과 그것이 가지는의미에 대해 살펴본다. 그것은 현재까지 학교교육을 통해서 세계사를 접해보지 못한 학생들뿐 만 아니라, 대학과 대학원 역사전공에서 세계사를 접해보지못한 교사들의 세계사 이해에일조할 수 있을 것이다.

New World History began to emerge when historians failed to find solutions for the problems caused by the globalization, which widely spread across the world in the late 20st century and they tried to find alternative solutions for those problems. The global changes came to take place by the incidents of the German unification, the collapse of cold war followed by the fall of the Soviet Union, and in particular the September 11 attacks in the United States. These events made historians step further to seek a new world historical view. In this regard, the ideas regarding new world history started to be specified. We can see these changes from the following three cases. it con tains“ New world history”, “Global history”and “Big history”. First, the World History Association and the Journal of World History are the cases. Both of them were originally to establish the good status of the world history which was being globalized, Second, New Global History Initiative is another example. An intellectual group, which was established in 1989 and co-lead by Bruce Mazlish,a professor of MIT, and Wolf Schafer of Stony Brook University in New York,took a lead of this new field by publishing Conceptualizing Global History. Their work is specified through the course of‘ New Global History(2001)’taught by Bruce Mazlish and Akira Yiriye in Harvard University. Third example can be found in an effort to seek the concept of ‘a history of the whole universe,’which is more likely a general history. Maps of Time (2004) written by David Christian is an example of the effort. In the field of new world history which seeks the relationships and connectivity among groups based on the commonality of human beings, the concepts such as divergence, convergence, contagion, and systems are important and joint research are being promoted from multi-polar, pluralistic,and wide perspectives. The goal of the study is not to go back to the exclusive western supremacy of the modern history but to re-discover the enlightenment project, in other words, rationality of human actions. It is to make Humanocentric history not Eurocentric or Egocentric history. By this effort, it aims to transcend the traditional level of historical view, the developmental /improving historical view which is lineal, dualistic, and purposeful. This is to make new conceptualization of the Korean history possible in the context of new world history. Any researcher who is interested in making history globalized should first know that our historical experiences are closer to globality rather than modernity. In addition, he/she also needs to more focus on how to interpret the historical information rather than to collect the fundamental historical facts. With the information already given, it would be important for a researcher to infer, compare, seek relationships, find patterns, and interpret essential meanings of events of new world history. That is the way that we can be free from our ethnocentric ideas and seek creative and reflexive alternative solutions to prospect a better future.