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본 연구는 생태유아교육에 있어서 국악을 활용할 수 있는 다양한 방법을 모색한 글이다. 연구자는 먼저 국악의 자연성을 살펴보고, 국악의 자연적 특성을 오늘의 유아교육에 적용시킬 수 있는 지도방안을 제시하였다. 첫째는 국악곡을 감상하며 자연스러운 숨쉬기를 유도하고, 둘째는 국악곡을 들으며 한지에 산을 그려보는 작업을 하였다. 셋째는 가야금 소리를 '소리비'라고 상정하여 가야금 곡을 유아가 온 몸으로 느끼면서 들어봄을써 몸 감각을 일깨우는 수업이며, 넷째는 국악 동요에 맞추어 춤을 추면서 한국춤이 갖는 생태적 움직임을 경험하도록 하였다. 다섯째는 바깥놀이 때 유아가 부를 수 있는 농요를 제시하였다. 이와 같이 국악에 내제된 자연적 음악 특성과 아름다움은 더욱 발견되어 생태 유아교육에 활용되어야 할 것이다.

This study examines various ways of using Korean music for ecological early childhood education. The researcher with a view of nature in Korean presents the teaching methods to apply natural characteristic of Korean music to today's early childhood education. Firstly, this study led infants to the Korean music naturally with the appreciation of the music. Secondly, the work of drawing mountains on the Korean traditional paper with the appreciation of the music was used. Thirdly, it gave the lessons for infants to get musical inspiration and united feeling with the music of a Kayagum-a Korean musical instrument - called "Soribi". Fourth, this study helped the children experienced natural movement that Korean dance has with dancing to the tune of Korean nursery rhyme. Finally the researcher applied folk music, songs for infants to sing playing outside to the lesson. In this teaching method, Korean musical factors such as traditional music, the created music, song and dance were used as united educational methods. Because of the western style of educational system and the inflow of modern music, people in South have not known and enjoyed its own traditional music. However, nowadays the correct understanding and the interests in Korean music have increased and Korean music is being used well for early childhood education with expectation that Korean children in the future will establish their subjecthood through it. Therefore, we should apply beauty, natural characteristics, and educational value found in Korean music to the field of teaching.