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본 연구는 대학의 교육과정 내에서 예비유아교사들이 텃밭활동을 실천해본 경험을 질적 연구방법을 통해 살펴봄으로써 텃밭활동 실천의 형태와 의미 및 그 한계를 밝히고자 하는 목적으로 실시되었다. 이를 위해 P대학 유아교육과 2학년 학생들과 3월부터 12월까지 10개월에 걸쳐 텃밭활동을 실시하였으며, 그 과정에서 작성된 예비유아교사들의 텃밭일지와 면담자료, 참여관찰 자료를 수집하고 분석하였다. 연구결과, 예비유아교사들은 텃밭활동을 통해 사계절 지속적으로, 강의실과 강의시간을 넘어서서, 지도교수뿐 아니라 주변의 여러 사람들에게 배워가며, 단계적으로 삶으로 연결지어갔다. 이러한 텃밭활동은 예비유아교사의 감각을 살려주고, 돌보는 마음, 맑아지는 마음을 경험하게 해주었다는 점에서 의미가 있었으나, 농사경험과 지식이 부족하다는 점, 시간을 많이 할애해야 한다는 점, 공간상의 열악함 등은 대학의 교육과정 내에서 한계로 지적되었다. 그러나 본 연구를 통해 예비유아교사들의 자연친화적인 교육실천이나 생태적 감수성 향상을 위해 대학의 교육과정 내에서 텃밭활동이 충분히 실천가능하고 의미가 있음을 알 수 있었다.

This study explores pre-service early childhood teacher's vegetable gardening experiences in university and examines the meaning and limitations of those experiences. In this study, we interviewed 17 pre-service early childhood teachers and a professor during a 10-month period. Two meanings of pre-service early childhood teachers' vegetable gardening were delineated: meaning as physical health and meaning as mental health. The former meant the process of growing physical sense. The other meant the process of caring mind, feeling happiness and cleaning spirit. During the interviews, the pre-service early childhood teachers reported experiencing difficulties in vegetable gardening. Based on the results, we propose that one of the best ways to improve ecological literacy for pre-service early childhood teachers is to include vegetable gardening in the curriculum of teacher education.

This study explores pre-service early childhood teacher's vegetable gardening experiences in university and examines the meaning and limitations of those experiences. In this study, we interviewed 17 pre-service early childhood teachers and a professor during a 10-month period. Two meanings of pre-service early childhood teachers' vegetable gardening were delineated: meaning as physical health and meaning as mental health. The former meant the process of growing physical sense. The other meant the process of caring mind, feeling happiness and cleaning spirit. During the interviews, the pre-service early childhood teachers reported experiencing difficulties in vegetable gardening. Based on the results, we propose that one of the best ways to improve ecological literacy for pre-service early childhood teachers is to include vegetable gardening in the curriculum of teacher education.