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This case study examines how ESL writing portfolios act as an effective tool for documenting the development of ESL writers and act in support of reflective practice. Sociocultural theory was adopted as a theoretical lens to understand the growth of L2 writers. Two ESL students and their instructor participated in this study. The data sources included writing portfolios, a survey, course materials, class observation, and notes from informal communication with the teacher. The findings indicated that, mediated by writing portfolios, the students were able to reflect on their writing process and progress over the semester and thereby obtain insights into their own writing. However, the results revealed different developmental paths for the two writers. One student focused on the teacher and the grade within the writing classroom and his internalization of the concepts taught in the writing class had only begun to emerge. In contrast, the other student was highly aware of audience and writing principles, expanding her outlook beyond the classroom. She showed more complete internalization and carried new understandings about English writing from one instructional context to another. The findings have important implications for using portfolios in writing classes as well as teaching and learning second language writing.
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작문 포트폴리오, 사회문화이론, 매개, 성찰, 내재화