초록 열기/닫기 버튼
While an emerging body of research has begun to investigate the potential of corpora in language learning and language teaching, there is relatively less empirical evidence on the effectiveness of a specialized corpus on academic English writing in an EFL setting of Korea. The present study was thus conducted in a computer engineering laboratory at a Korean university, and post-logs were collected and analyzed which ten graduate students kept with the feedback they received on their written products. For this study, a specialized corpus was compiled with academic papers related to the students’ academic disciplines. Results show that a specialized corpus can provide helpful feedback on academic English writing, including expressions, articles/determiners, prepositions, and noun forms, as much as other language references. The present study suggests that a specialized corpus can assist Korean graduate students of engineering in acquiring the language of their target discourse community.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
전문 코퍼스, 학술 영작문, 자료 주도 학습, 피드백