초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper is a research on the character of Boksonhwaum type Gasa in view of literary history. The spectrum of Boksonhwaum type Gasa has two poles. The one is 'gyenyo type(戒女型)', and the other is 'jeongi type(傳記型). Gyenyo type(戒女型) is a didaction oriented and jeongi type(傳記型) is epic oriented. Gyenyo type(戒女型) has three sub-types and jeongi type(傳記型) has two sub-types. The critiria of classification and the characteristics of the each type are closely discussed in this paper. Also the the relation and the meaning of character in each type is discussed in this paper.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Boksonhwaum type Gasa(福善禍淫歌類). gyenyo type(戒女型). jeongi type(傳記型). didaction oriented. epic oriented. sub-type. the characteristics of character.