초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Purpose of this research is to clarify the role of segregation done by the rulers of colonial city through the investigation of the method of regulation and control in the process of constructing colonization city. Such purpose will be accomplished not by recognizing the features of urban planning or architectural design alone but also to have consideration over social and economical situation of that time which is available this case by examining changes of population composition and commercial activities by Chinese people. Effect of segregation in city construction will be clear by them. The speciality of the segregation in Harbin is found in the force of advance by Chinese residents heading from Fu-jia-dian to Pristan. As Russian government loses its control over this advance and as Chinese governments recovers administrative power over this city, border of segregation itself has became ambiguous.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

North-east China(중국동북부), City formation(도시형성), Segregation(격리), Block patten(가구패턴)