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이 연구는 현재 남아시아의 금융허브로 발돋움하고 있는 싱가포르를 중심으로 한창 설립되고 있는 아시아 지역총괄 지주회사에 대해 고찰하였다. 특히, 세계적으로 지역총괄 지주회사 체계를 매개로 글로벌전략과 리저널전략을 동시에 추구하는 복합전략이 전개되고 있는 상황 속에서 지역총괄 지주회사가 어떤 기능을 하며 어떠한 경영성과를 거두고 있는지를 일본 손해보험회사 사례연구를 통해 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 주요 일본 손해보험회사는 지역총괄 지주회사를 통해 해외현지에서의 신속한 대응체제 구축과 M&A를 통한 사업 확장 등의 성과를 거둠으로써 아시아 시장 내 경쟁우위의 발판을 마련해 나가고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 이들 일본 보험회사의 아시아 지역총괄 지주회사 설립지역은 모두 싱가포르였고, 100% 단독 출자로 지주회사를 설립해 본국 본사로부터 절대적 권한 및 책임을 위임받아 아시아 지역 내 M&A를 통한 사업 확장의 플랫폼의 역할을 하고 있는 등의 공통점이 추출되었다.

The purpose of this study is to create an inquiry into the Regional holding company established in Singapore that grew up to be the financial hub of South Asia. In particular, this study examines the progress of the mixed strategy that pursues both global strategy and regional strategy through the Regional holding company, and the result of the progress through the case of the non-life insurance company in Japan. As a result, Japanese non-life insurance companies that managed the Asia regional holding company and confirmed a prompt correspondence system were constructed and the business scale was expanded through M&A. Meanwhile, the non-life insurance company in Japan established the Asia regional holding company in Singapore and invested 100% of the capital of the holding company. Moreover, the headquarters in Japan entrusted an absolute authority and the responsibility to the Asia regional holding company. Therefore, the holding company became the platform in enhancing the business that passed positive M&A in the insurance market in Asia.

The purpose of this study is to create an inquiry into the Regional holding company established in Singapore that grew up to be the financial hub of South Asia. In particular, this study examines the progress of the mixed strategy that pursues both global strategy and regional strategy through the Regional holding company, and the result of the progress through the case of the non-life insurance company in Japan. As a result, Japanese non-life insurance companies that managed the Asia regional holding company and confirmed a prompt correspondence system were constructed and the business scale was expanded through M&A. Meanwhile, the non-life insurance company in Japan established the Asia regional holding company in Singapore and invested 100% of the capital of the holding company. Moreover, the headquarters in Japan entrusted an absolute authority and the responsibility to the Asia regional holding company. Therefore, the holding company became the platform in enhancing the business that passed positive M&A in the insurance market in Asia.