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본 논문은 許筠이 對明使臣으로 북경에 갔을 때 남긴 足跡에 대해 실증적으로 고찰한 것이다. 허균의 대명사행은 그의 생애와 학문, 사상을 고찰하는데 매우 중요하다. 일생 동안 4차례 사행에 나섰다. 첫 번째 사행은 요동까지만 들어가고, 나머지 3차례는 모두 명나라 수도 북경까지 들어갔다. 북경에 오갔던 사행은 1597년(선조 30)에 陳奏使 서장관, 1614년(광해군 6)에 千秋正使, 1615년(광해군 7)에 陳奏副使 때이다. 3차례 북경에서 체류한 기간은 모두 2백일이 넘는다. 북경에서 머물렀던 사관은 玉河館(南會同館, 南館)이다. 제3차 사행 때 입경할 때 朝陽門을 통해 도성 안으로 들어왔고, 귀국할 때 崇文門을 통해 도성 바깥으로 나갔다. 조양문에서 숙소 옥하관(남회동관)까지 도달한 노선은 일전에 중형 許篈의 노선을 따랐던 것으로 추정된다. 당시 명나라가 외국 사신에 대해 엄격한 통제와 폐쇄적인 조치를 취했기 때문에 허균은 공적 업무 외에 임의로 옥하관(남회동관)을 바깥으로 나가는 것이 금지되었다. 그래서인지 옥하관(남회동관)에서 지은 작품은 독서와 관련된 감상시, 옛 일을 떠올리는 회고시가 대다수를 차지한다. 가끔 공적 업무를 위해 紫禁城, 朝天宮, 禮部衙門, 北館(北會同館), 長安門 등을 다녀왔다.

This paper makes a direct consideration on the traces of Heo Gyun that he left when he went to Beijing as an envoy to Ming China. Heo Gyun's envoy to Ming China is very important to consider his life, sholarship, and ideas. Heo Gyun made envoy leaving to China four times in his life. He reached to Liaodong in his first envoy leaving and entered into Beijing, the capital of Ming China at the rest three envoy leavings. The envoy leavings to Beijing were occured in 1597, 1614, and 1615. The three staying on Beijing were all at Nanhuitongguan(南會同館, the Southern Hall; 玉河館, Yuheguan). Heo Gyun entered into Beijing through the Gate of Chaoyang(朝陽門) and went out of the city through the Gate of Chongwen(崇文門) at the third envoy trip. It is highly probable that he followed the route from the Gate of Chaoyang to Nanhuitongguan Heo Bong(許篈) his elder cousin had used. Ming at that time exercised strict control over and took closed measures on foreign envoys. Therefore, it was actually prohibited for Heo Gyun to go out of Nanhuitongguan arbitrarily except on the case of official duties. Due to this reason, there were many among Heo's poems composed at Manhuitongguan, which dealt with his reading and looking back upon the past, Heo Gyun made an official trip to the Forbidden City, the Ministry of Personnel Affairs(禮部), Beihuitongguan(北會同館: the Northern Hall, the Gate of Everlasting Peace(長安門).

This paper makes a direct consideration on the traces of Heo Gyun that he left when he went to Beijing as an envoy to Ming China. Heo Gyun's envoy to Ming China is very important to consider his life, sholarship, and ideas. Heo Gyun made envoy leaving to China four times in his life. He reached to Liaodong in his first envoy leaving and entered into Beijing, the capital of Ming China at the rest three envoy leavings. The envoy leavings to Beijing were occured in 1597, 1614, and 1615. The three staying on Beijing were all at Nanhuitongguan(南會同館, the Southern Hall; 玉河館, Yuheguan). Heo Gyun entered into Beijing through the Gate of Chaoyang(朝陽門) and went out of the city through the Gate of Chongwen(崇文門) at the third envoy trip. It is highly probable that he followed the route from the Gate of Chaoyang to Nanhuitongguan Heo Bong(許篈) his elder cousin had used. Ming at that time exercised strict control over and took closed measures on foreign envoys. Therefore, it was actually prohibited for Heo Gyun to go out of Nanhuitongguan arbitrarily except on the case of official duties. Due to this reason, there were many among Heo's poems composed at Manhuitongguan, which dealt with his reading and looking back upon the past, Heo Gyun made an official trip to the Forbidden City, the Ministry of Personnel Affairs(禮部), Beihuitongguan(北會同館: the Northern Hall, the Gate of Everlasting Peace(長安門).