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The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of peer assessment, and to investigate the meaning of peer assessment on personal statement writing activities. This study is to inquire what is existent an aspect of, what is show the types of, how to effect of peer assessment on personal statement writing activities. First, the peer assessment on personal statement writing activities is revealed six-types that conformity is where is stance of assessor, an assessor is fixing or not, an assessor is real name or not. Second, nevertheless such ‘writing assessment rubric’ have been, the characteristic of peer assessment on personal statement writing is revealed focused on subjective, formal, ceremonial assessment. Third, peer assessment on personal statement writing activities is revealed focused on activation of revision and new cognition, response of writing. Consequently, We must discuss more detailed, systematic, plentiful about writing education in High school. And this discussion must be a foundation to recover and reinforce essential on writing education in High school.

The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of peer assessment, and to investigate the meaning of peer assessment on personal statement writing activities. This study is to inquire what is existent an aspect of, what is show the types of, how to effect of peer assessment on personal statement writing activities. First, the peer assessment on personal statement writing activities is revealed six-types that conformity is where is stance of assessor, an assessor is fixing or not, an assessor is real name or not. Second, nevertheless such ‘writing assessment rubric’ have been, the characteristic of peer assessment on personal statement writing is revealed focused on subjective, formal, ceremonial assessment. Third, peer assessment on personal statement writing activities is revealed focused on activation of revision and new cognition, response of writing. Consequently, We must discuss more detailed, systematic, plentiful about writing education in High school. And this discussion must be a foundation to recover and reinforce essential on writing education in High school.