초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The aim of this study is to review the CCSSO, SBAC, PARCC in U.S. and the vertical scale construction research in Korea and to suggest the way to reconstruction the Korean Language Assessment System for better Korean Language Education. On the result above, this paper made several suggestions as follow. First, we need to 'good governance' for Korean Language Education. This is the crucial organization to make decisions for developing the curriculum of Korean Language Education and the smart and balanced assessment system. Second, we need to realize the IT-based testing system. On this system, we can get the speedy, correct, useful data of student's korean language ability for improve the curriculum and teaching method for Korean Language Education. Third, we need to develop the vertically moderated standard system of Korean Language Education. This is the requisites for systematic assessment of student growth. Finally, we make the system of tightly alignment of curriculum- teaching method-assessment of Korean Language Education. This is the ideal vision of functional system of Korean Language Education.

The aim of this study is to review the CCSSO, SBAC, PARCC in U.S. and the vertical scale construction research in Korea and to suggest the way to reconstruction the Korean Language Assessment System for better Korean Language Education. On the result above, this paper made several suggestions as follow. First, we need to 'good governance' for Korean Language Education. This is the crucial organization to make decisions for developing the curriculum of Korean Language Education and the smart and balanced assessment system. Second, we need to realize the IT-based testing system. On this system, we can get the speedy, correct, useful data of student's korean language ability for improve the curriculum and teaching method for Korean Language Education. Third, we need to develop the vertically moderated standard system of Korean Language Education. This is the requisites for systematic assessment of student growth. Finally, we make the system of tightly alignment of curriculum- teaching method-assessment of Korean Language Education. This is the ideal vision of functional system of Korean Language Education.