초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to examine and rediscover the educational contents and teaching methods of the history of Korean language in Korean education. Korean history education has been the part that needs further discussion in the educational contents and teaching methods. The discussions about the history of Korean language life and Korean Language culture is to seek and expand the educational contents of Korean history. This article has the perspective of classical Korean grammar education. The significance of Korean history education is established by justification as a national language, language awareness and the creation of culture, and higher thinking skills and the pleasures of language exploration. I analyzed the texts and 2007 Curriculum of Korean education. I found out that it did not include the awareness of the sounds in an old language and it is necessary to seek the combination of educational contents and methods for inquiry instructions considering a language acquisition as a natural process. The criteria of the effective ways of teaching Korean history education were the consideration of natural language learning steps, facilitating the process of learners' knowledge construction, and step-by-step approach of sound, meaning, and grammar. An effective education model of Korean history was designed by these criteria.