초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Daegu played a leading role in the production of Yeongnam Government Office's publications that led classical scholars' culture in the late period of the Chosun Dynasty. This regional background made Daegu become a flourishing place of publication. Daegu's literary space that is being formed by modern poetry and children literature suffered a big change during the Korean War. The Korean War changed the center of the publishing culture from Seoul to Daegu. During this period, refuge literary circles and region literary circles were being mixed in Daegu. Therefore, Daegu played the central role of the Korean literary circles. In the early days of the Korean War, various literary media were published after the installation of the headquarter of Army and Air force in Daegu. These print media played the role of planning and circulating the discourse of nationalism and anticommunism for soldiers and intellectuals. Some media intended to highlight some features of local literature by changing composition discourse and members. Also some partially included contents of war in popular magazines. After the ceasefire, new publishing companies and several literary media emerged in Daegu played an important role to revitalize the field of literature. Publishing companies which participated in the activity of publishers published lots of books of poetry and literary media during the Pre-and-Post Korean War. These media not only reorganized the literary space with war discourse at the center, but also played a central role of publishing new literary discourse. <Modern poets and poetry anthology (現代詩人選集)> published by ‘Munsungdang(文星堂)’ was the first published anthology after the Korean War. This book had a great influence in the process of canonization of Korean Modern Poetry. The combination of cultural tradition of poetry and locally grown-up publishing companies was the important element in forming a literary field in Daegu. Local publishing companies boosted the literary field in Daegu and played a big role of forming identity of local literature in 1950's.