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Practical Study on Teaching & Learning Processof Realistic Children’s Poetry-Centered on Release Period Children’s Poetry of Lee Won Soo-Lim, Sung-KyuReception of realistic children’s poetry is placed at the literary education history in elementary school poetry education. We have to conquest nation dominant ideology and New Criticism stress. It is intend plural text interaction against principle exclusion. Appreciation teaching-learnging is not at all in the elemenatary school poetry education.In this point, release period children’s poetry of Lee Won Soo are accomplish healthy interaction with elementary learning readers in instruction page of literature classroom. Reading of realistic children’s poetry help balancing spirit of learning readers in elementary literary instruction. Because It go in gear normalization of elementary school literary education. That is consider critical viewpoint and bring attainments of humane studies. It is not simple the side of ideology and doctrine. Poetry education is first step of enjoyment of poetry for lifetime readers. Teacher aid pre concept about ‘What is poetry?’ for right position.Difficulty of present poetry education is attach figure of speech and aping languag. It get the whip hand over language and form. And, heritage of modern children’s literature have to go on a dig.So, aspect of poetry form intertextual network and guide conversion of thinking for critical problem. It experience reality critical view and express student’s own writing. And, we can perfome diverse aspect in content and form at the educational stage. Accordingly, we have to experience emotion of anger and sorrow in dogma and contradiction. Because real literary education is practical adventure in pressure of epoch.