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Tendency and Methods of the Hierarchyof the Modern Poetry’s TextYou, Young-HeeWhen checking out the korean language textbook of the middle school developed based on the 7th curriculum, first of all, the rate of the modern poem in the textbook is not high. Secondly, the selection standard of a material is not clear and many works of poets which are important in the modern poetry history are not selected. Third, works which are used as a main material in the study activity is very limited and narrow-minded. Fourth, careful consideration of the level of learners is not given. Fifth, works that can grasp the characteristics of the realism and modernism which is the main tendency of the modern poetry are not shown.Through the tendency of the above, some kinds of tendency related to hierarchy of the modern poetry’s material can be drawn. First, there is a tendency to pursuit the easiness of the teaching and the learning. Second, there is a tendency to pursuit for the characteristic of the canon which includes the popularity. Third, there is a tendency to prioritize the learning goal or the learning activity.To rank the text of the modern poetry in the current step, some kinds of methods can be considered. First method is to teach by itemizing contents of the teaching as ‘the example of the contents’ element’. Second one is to find the method for restructure of the concept. Third one is to regulate as the indication to have the close relationship with the history of the literature. Forth one is to adopt the method to make standard that can check the level of the modern poetry material and announce it. Fifth one is to write down the works that can be referenced in ‘Shim-ter’ or ‘Appendix’ of the textbook. Last one is to perform the study for the works in the textbook by the organizations which make textbooks and to share the result of the study for education subjects.