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How Stories of a Spirit Appreance Changes and What It Means from the Literature Educational ViewpointSeo, Yu-KyungThis paper notices that people have enjoyed stories of a spirit appreance from long times ago, so tries to study how those stories have been changed by people thorough comic horror movies. From these work, this paper aims that comic horror movies have relation to stories of a spirit appreance and these stories have a significant meaning to the literature education. Comic horror movies have especially concerned with stories on the vindictive spirits. It is noted that comic horror movies show the modification of stories on the vindictive spirits. The meaning that stories like these on the viewpoint of the literature education is that those stories treat communication between spirits and people, and they show the aspect of expanded text. The problem of the communication and text is the essence of the literature education, so this research intends to find out the meaningful suggestion. The cultural meaning of Spirit lives and Sisley 2Km which is analyzed in this paper is as follow:comic horror movies make attempt to solve the general life problem by individual case, vary the setting-up of the sprit and people, aim to the laugh as well as horror etc. Finally we found that the aspect of comic horror movies changing can be applied to the teaching and learning of the classical literature. It is point that comic horror movies and stories on the vindictive spirits raise how people live, how we communicate each other and how we live together.