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The Meaning of Influence and its Application to Literature EducationYoo Cheol-SangIn this paper I try to investigate influence as the main concept of comparative literature and Deconstruction, and attempt to apply it to literature education. In comparative literary study influence means the trace of psychological change occurred continually and intensely in the recipient as a result of imitation. Literary influence introduces the reader or the recipient to the recognition of new world, and leads him/her to the creative mind of writing. The concept of influence becomes the most effective analytic device that leads to understanding of the national culture as a goal of literature education in the sight of worldliterature. In Bloom's study, influence as a misreading dominates the process of poet's writing and reader's reading. Bloom's idea of influence can contribute to the literature education by explaining the learner's writing and reading process of literary text. To apply the concept of influence to literature education I also try to analyze comparatively Bishop's Korea, and Her Neighbors printed partly in a Korean language and literature textbook of high school. Her book should be considered as a serious research on 19C Korean society by foreigner rather than a simple travel writing. The critical reading of this text as a research paper leads the reader to recognition of our tradition. And I try to compare Bishop's text with the poem "Geodaehan ppuli (Gigantic Root)" by Kim Su-yeong who translated the book into Korean. Bishop's changing recognition of Korean realities manifested in the text has made a great influence on Kim Su-yeong. Bishop's influence has helped Kim Su-yeong to leave his previous negative recognition and turn to the world of love based on acceptance of the tradition.