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Poem writing eduction has to be understood in the framework of literature education, Korean Language eduction and education itself. In this framework, poem writing represents a barometer of ideology or fundamental consideration of Korean language eduction. It means poem writing eduction constitutes a starting point of a proper Korean language eduction. Education of poem writing, however, is based on the understanding of the process of poem writing, which C. D. Lewis, British poet and critic, divided into three stages. Nowadays poets suggests revised version of the stages of poem writing: source, consciousness, and configuration of poem. However, the source and consciousness of poem could be merged into a single stage, and in which we can trace three different paths of poem writing. The first path is an impulse of self-expressions, upon which a high emphasis should be placed as poem writing has to be initiated by this impulse. Self-expression, however, in itself demands an introspection, in which a poet needs to develop linkage between ‘being in self’ and outside world. In this process introspection develops a sense of sovereign being, in which established critical mind to recognize the issues of outside world. The ‘discovery of poetic situation’ is the result of a critical mind, and constitutes the second path of poem writing. According to Ji Woo Hwang, in this context, poem writing is a pursuit of something poetic, not a simple writing of a poem. A line of epigram or poet phrase may suddenly arises out of a long thought of his/her own self or a particular issue of the world. This ‘discovery of poetic dictions’ comprises the third category.

Poem writing eduction has to be understood in the framework of literature education, Korean Language eduction and education itself. In this framework, poem writing represents a barometer of ideology or fundamental consideration of Korean language eduction. It means poem writing eduction constitutes a starting point of a proper Korean language eduction. Education of poem writing, however, is based on the understanding of the process of poem writing, which C. D. Lewis, British poet and critic, divided into three stages. Nowadays poets suggests revised version of the stages of poem writing: source, consciousness, and configuration of poem. However, the source and consciousness of poem could be merged into a single stage, and in which we can trace three different paths of poem writing. The first path is an impulse of self-expressions, upon which a high emphasis should be placed as poem writing has to be initiated by this impulse. Self-expression, however, in itself demands an introspection, in which a poet needs to develop linkage between ‘being in self’ and outside world. In this process introspection develops a sense of sovereign being, in which established critical mind to recognize the issues of outside world. The ‘discovery of poetic situation’ is the result of a critical mind, and constitutes the second path of poem writing. According to Ji Woo Hwang, in this context, poem writing is a pursuit of something poetic, not a simple writing of a poem. A line of epigram or poet phrase may suddenly arises out of a long thought of his/her own self or a particular issue of the world. This ‘discovery of poetic dictions’ comprises the third category.