초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study compares ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ and ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’ contained in North Korean 『Korean Literature』 textbooks and 『Literature』 textbooks in order to examine the relations between those quotations and literature education. Comparing Kim Il-Sung’s and Kim Jong-Il’s quotations contained in 『Korean Literature』 textbooks and 『Literature』 textbooks, this study has found that after the revision of textbooks, ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ are reduced about 43% while ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’ are increased about 100%. This is one of the ways to strengthen Kim Jong-Il’s system after Kim Il-Sung’s death. And the ‘Literature’ subject corresponding to the political ideology subject turned its direction to increasing ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’. As quotations from Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jung-Il serve as a structure to move the society in writing form, ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ and ‘Kim Jung-Il’s Words’ in literature education work as a standard or base to specify contents of literature education and to develop the contents of textbooks. About 80.8% of ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ corresponds to ideological emotion and refinement while about 89.7% of ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’ belongs to knowledge function education. Therefore, in ‘Literature’ education, ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ are chiefly in charge of ideological emotion and refinement whereas ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’ play roles for knowledge function education. One more curriculum and 『Literature』 textbook revision could be predicted after the death of Kim Jong-Il. Based on such changes made to education in North Korea, we can expect contents related to Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il will be diminished. Instead, lessons of Kim Jong-Eun, works done by him and works with him as the hero will be major contents of Literature textbook.

This study compares ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ and ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’ contained in North Korean 『Korean Literature』 textbooks and 『Literature』 textbooks in order to examine the relations between those quotations and literature education. Comparing Kim Il-Sung’s and Kim Jong-Il’s quotations contained in 『Korean Literature』 textbooks and 『Literature』 textbooks, this study has found that after the revision of textbooks, ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ are reduced about 43% while ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’ are increased about 100%. This is one of the ways to strengthen Kim Jong-Il’s system after Kim Il-Sung’s death. And the ‘Literature’ subject corresponding to the political ideology subject turned its direction to increasing ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’. As quotations from Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jung-Il serve as a structure to move the society in writing form, ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ and ‘Kim Jung-Il’s Words’ in literature education work as a standard or base to specify contents of literature education and to develop the contents of textbooks. About 80.8% of ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ corresponds to ideological emotion and refinement while about 89.7% of ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’ belongs to knowledge function education. Therefore, in ‘Literature’ education, ‘Kim Il-Sung’s Lessons’ are chiefly in charge of ideological emotion and refinement whereas ‘Kim Jong-Il’s Words’ play roles for knowledge function education. One more curriculum and 『Literature』 textbook revision could be predicted after the death of Kim Jong-Il. Based on such changes made to education in North Korea, we can expect contents related to Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il will be diminished. Instead, lessons of Kim Jong-Eun, works done by him and works with him as the hero will be major contents of Literature textbook.