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This study is preceded by the previous study on poetry-learning disposition and the poetry-appreciation ability of students, with focus on learning the theme of poems: the way they perceive what the theme mean; the process of understanding the theme; the way they express the theme; the process of understanding the poems structures. The research is based on a survey, and the results are as follows:First, when students and teachers understand the theme of a poem, not only the title and subject matter of a poem but also the poetic narrater's attitude to the topic were regarded as important. Second, they did not consider their experiences related with a poem and the characteristics of a poem structure or expression as important as other factors. Third, students and teachers preferred to express the theme of poems in a form of noun phrase. While the teachers thought the noun phrases were easy for the students to understand, the students had tendency to express in a varied ways according to the texts. It is necessary to diversify the ways of expressing the theme. Fourth, understanding and answering pattern for the theme of poems was diverse according to the awareness of the term-the theme of a poem.