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In Education of Dramatic imagination, the training program which can lead the learners to the awareness of a dramatic metaphor and symbolism is required. To take advantage of the ‘body’ perception is effective to elicit the intuition and to make them remind their memories from the learners inside. On the other hand, improvisation, role-play and a short theater play as non-formal drama revitalize their schematic memories from their multitudinous experiences. Improvisation, situation-play and role-play in advance of the process of learning a drama text are the motive to activate their intellection in many ways and to be reveal their developed creativity. In also making Play, the ability to read an unrevealed meaning between the lines and in the text is important. That is why there is a need to be accepted, in the process to dramatize of their hypothesis and reasoning activities, to change the protagonist and antagonist or the time and space creatively. Play performances are properly interactive, accordingly they should be provided a feedback by the interaction of the stage from the text, and they can provide an assesment of the scene.