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The common major concept in reading as a domain of activity and text reading in literature domain is making meaning. Making meaning underscores that meaning is not fixed in the text but constructed through the learner’s active reading process. This change of perspectives on reading was triggered by epistemological change since Structuralism and formulated by Bakhtin, Rosenblatt, Vygotsky. However, Korean education did not present the specific content of making meaning even though the 7th Nationial curriculum identified “to be able to know the process of meaning making’ with an essential of understanding. The current curriculum reveals the same problem. Still, making meaning is a basic concept in reading education in that it prompts the learner’s active, independent, and productive understanding of the text. This study aimed to demonstrate that reading is best realized through a making meaning process and the concrete instruction method of making meaning is discussion of literature. The literature discussion makes unclear understanding clear through learners’ active participation in the discussion and stimulates understanding by dynamic relationship between the teacher, peer students, and the text. The study recapitulated the concrete teaching method using ‘reading aloud technique’ as an instance of literature discussion.