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The purpose of this research is to analyze factors that affect customer loyalty for online travel agencies with focus on e-service quality, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction. According to the structural equation model analysis, it was proven that there were hierarchical correlations among e-service quality, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Among e-service qualities, content service quality showed to directly affect the formation of customer loyalty for online travel agencies. Moreover, not only for the customer satisfaction in case of customer perceived value, it is shown to also directly affect customer loyalty. Based on this result, we can infer that customer perceived value works as a main factor in forming customer loyalty for online traveling service market. Therefore, it can be concluded that customer loyalty for online travel agencies is formed through a hierarchical process of e-service quality-customer perceived value-customer satisfaction-customer loyalty rather than through e-service quality dimension which is a lower specific attribute. The analysis result provided many implications that can ultimately improve customer loyalty and lead to an increase of corporate profits as relevant companies focus on specific elements and improve them through figuring out main factors that affect customer loyalty formation.

The purpose of this research is to analyze factors that affect customer loyalty for online travel agencies with focus on e-service quality, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction. According to the structural equation model analysis, it was proven that there were hierarchical correlations among e-service quality, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Among e-service qualities, content service quality showed to directly affect the formation of customer loyalty for online travel agencies. Moreover, not only for the customer satisfaction in case of customer perceived value, it is shown to also directly affect customer loyalty. Based on this result, we can infer that customer perceived value works as a main factor in forming customer loyalty for online traveling service market. Therefore, it can be concluded that customer loyalty for online travel agencies is formed through a hierarchical process of e-service quality-customer perceived value-customer satisfaction-customer loyalty rather than through e-service quality dimension which is a lower specific attribute. The analysis result provided many implications that can ultimately improve customer loyalty and lead to an increase of corporate profits as relevant companies focus on specific elements and improve them through figuring out main factors that affect customer loyalty formation.

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Online travel agencies, Customer loyalty, E-service quality, Perceived value, Customer satisfaction