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본 연구의 목적은 당시 많은 여성들이 4월혁명 이후 어떤 방식으로 이 혁명을 계승하고, 무엇을 지향했는가 등을 살펴보기 위한 것에 있다. 특히 일제강점기부터 여성운동을 이끌던 세력들이 4월혁명 이후 어떤 방향으로 여성 운동을 결정하고 나아가는지에 대해서 다루고자 한다. 지금까지 연구 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 4월혁명 이후 여학생들과 여성들은 신생활운동을 전개하였다. 이 신생활운동은 이승만 사임 직후 학생들에 의해 전국적으로 전개된 국민계몽운동의 일환이었다. 여학생들은 서울대 여학생회를 중심으로, 일반 여성들은 겨자씨회를 중심으로 이 운동을 전개하였다. 그러나 신생활운동에 대해서는 구체적으로 무엇을 어떻게 전개해야 할지에 대해서는 합의에 이르지 못하였다. 단지 국산품 애용운동을 하자는 것이 가장 중요한 구호였다. 여성단체에서는 이와 달리 신생활운동을 정치운동으로 확대시켰다. 7.29 총선을 앞두고 전국의 여성단체들이 YWCA회관에 모여서 ‘축첩문제’ 해결에 주안점을 두고 국민운동을 전개시키고자 하였다. 축첩문제는 개화기이후부터 여성문제와 관련해서 제기되어 온 문제였다. 1945년 이후 축첩문제는 공창제와 더불어 국가건설을 위해서는 사회적인 악으로 규정되었다. 이러한 여성들의 활동 결과 1953년에는 간통쌍벌주의가 법제화되면서 축첩은 범죄로 규정되었다. 그러나 여전히 여성들은 이 문제에서 자유롭지 못했다. 4월 혁명 직후 여성들은 4월 혁명 계승을 위해서 축첩 문제는 반드시 해결되어야 한다고 주장하였다. 이러한 축첩 문제를 해결하기 위해 여성들은 선거 참여를 강조하였다. 여성을 대변할 수 있는 많은 여성들과 남성들을 선출해야 한다는 것이었다. 그러나 이러한 운동이 실패로 끝나자 여성단체에서는 여성 관료 기용에 중점을 두었으나 이 요구는 수용되지 않았다. 이로 인해 장면정권과 여성계에서는 갈등 관계에 놓이게 된다. 장면정권에서 이러한 요구를 수용하지 않았던 것은 대한부인회를 비롯한 여성단체의 행보에 대한 불신, 여성의 허영과 사치로 인해 국가의 위기를 초래했다는 분위기의 확산 등에서 찾을 수 있다. 이에 여성들은 장면정권에 대해 큰 실망을 하고 5.16 군사정변이 일어나자 적극적인 지지에 나섰다. 그러나 여성계에 돌아온 것은 여성단체의 해산이었다. 군사정권은 가정에서 여성의 역할을 더욱 중요시하며 여권을 후퇴시켰다. 예를 들어 서구근대교육을 받고 여권을 강조했던 프란체스카나 박마리아가 아닌 현모양처의 이상형으로서 육영수를 이미지화하면서 박정희는 대중들의 지지를 획득해 냈다. 과거 일제강점기 때 지식인 여성들이 전쟁협력을 선택하면서 동원과 종속의 길을 걸었던 것처럼 군사정권의 협력이 또 다른 여성의 동원과 종속의 길이라는 것을 자각하지 못한 채 여성계는 그 세계로 나아갔다.

The objective of this study was to examine in what patterns many women in those days participated in the revolution during the April Revolution and what they pursued through the participation. In particular, we discussed how those who had led women’s movements since the period under the rule of Japanese imperialism set the direction of women’s movements through the April Revolution. The results of this study are summarized as follows. During the April Revolution, female students and women waged the new life movement. The new life movement was one of national enlightening movements promoted nationwide by students just after the resignation of Lee Seung-man. The movement was executed mainly by the Female Students’ Association of the Seoul National University among female students, and the Mustard Seed Club among adult women. However, they could not reach an agreement on what the new life movement would aim at specifically. The most important slogan was “Buy Korean-made products.” Different from this, women’s organizations expanded the new life movement to a political movement. Having the 7/29 general election ahead, women’s organizations throughout the country gathered at the YWCA building, and made a resolution to wage a national movement for solving the ‘concubinage problem.’ Concubinage was a problem that had been raised as a women-related issue since the Enlightenment Period. In 1945, together with licensed prostitution, concubinage was condemned as a social evil for the construction of the nation. As a result of women’s activities as such, the principle of dual punishment for adultery was institutionalized in 1953 and concubinage was ruled as a crime. Nevertheless, women were not free from the problem yet. Just after the April Revolution, women insisted the complete resolution of the concubinage problem in order to continue the spirit of the revolution, and emphasized women’s participation in elections for solving the problem. They wanted to select many women and men who may represent women’s opinions. As the movement ended up in failure, however, the women’s associations concentrated on the appointment of women in governmental offices but their demand was not accepted. As a result, Jang Myeon’s government fell in conflict with the women’s circle. The reasons that Jang Myeon’s government did not accept women’s demands can be found in its distrust in the conducts of women’s organizations including Korean Women’s Association, the spread of people’s thought that women’s vanity and extravagance brought the national crisis, etc. Badly disappointed with Jang Myeon’s government, women stepped forward to support the 5/16 Military Coup actively. However, their support was paid back with the dissolution of women’s organizations. The military regime turned the clock of women’s rights backward, emphasizing women’s role at home. For example, Park Jeong-hee won people’s support by presenting Yook Yeong-soo as the ideal image of good wife and wise mother rather than Francesca or Park Maria who received modern Western education and emphasized women’s rights. Like intellectual women chose cooperation for the war and followed the way of mobilization and subordination during the period under the rule of Japanese imperialism, the women’s circle stepped into the sphere without knowing that cooperation to the military regime would be another road to the mobilization and subordination of women.

The objective of this study was to examine in what patterns many women in those days participated in the revolution during the April Revolution and what they pursued through the participation. In particular, we discussed how those who had led women’s movements since the period under the rule of Japanese imperialism set the direction of women’s movements through the April Revolution. The results of this study are summarized as follows. During the April Revolution, female students and women waged the new life movement. The new life movement was one of national enlightening movements promoted nationwide by students just after the resignation of Lee Seung-man. The movement was executed mainly by the Female Students’ Association of the Seoul National University among female students, and the Mustard Seed Club among adult women. However, they could not reach an agreement on what the new life movement would aim at specifically. The most important slogan was “Buy Korean-made products.” Different from this, women’s organizations expanded the new life movement to a political movement. Having the 7/29 general election ahead, women’s organizations throughout the country gathered at the YWCA building, and made a resolution to wage a national movement for solving the ‘concubinage problem.’ Concubinage was a problem that had been raised as a women-related issue since the Enlightenment Period. In 1945, together with licensed prostitution, concubinage was condemned as a social evil for the construction of the nation. As a result of women’s activities as such, the principle of dual punishment for adultery was institutionalized in 1953 and concubinage was ruled as a crime. Nevertheless, women were not free from the problem yet. Just after the April Revolution, women insisted the complete resolution of the concubinage problem in order to continue the spirit of the revolution, and emphasized women’s participation in elections for solving the problem. They wanted to select many women and men who may represent women’s opinions. As the movement ended up in failure, however, the women’s associations concentrated on the appointment of women in governmental offices but their demand was not accepted. As a result, Jang Myeon’s government fell in conflict with the women’s circle. The reasons that Jang Myeon’s government did not accept women’s demands can be found in its distrust in the conducts of women’s organizations including Korean Women’s Association, the spread of people’s thought that women’s vanity and extravagance brought the national crisis, etc. Badly disappointed with Jang Myeon’s government, women stepped forward to support the 5/16 Military Coup actively. However, their support was paid back with the dissolution of women’s organizations. The military regime turned the clock of women’s rights backward, emphasizing women’s role at home. For example, Park Jeong-hee won people’s support by presenting Yook Yeong-soo as the ideal image of good wife and wise mother rather than Francesca or Park Maria who received modern Western education and emphasized women’s rights. Like intellectual women chose cooperation for the war and followed the way of mobilization and subordination during the period under the rule of Japanese imperialism, the women’s circle stepped into the sphere without knowing that cooperation to the military regime would be another road to the mobilization and subordination of women.